Chairman's Message - December 2019 - Trevor Cornford FRGS
Going back to my last notes where I left off was just before a few good Polar items were coming up for auction - and unused Wrench cards fetched 3 figures each! I have 2 myself, 2 and 4, and I guess they are scarce as there must have been more money in selling them posted. But let’s face it Wrench hardly overcharged at 2/- for the set of 4 from many - then - hardly seen places by the majority of people! Let us know if you have some mint. Followed quickly by some fine Scott related contemporary Ephemera which I thought under priced - win some lose some. Later I had an exciting live auction visit to buy Ephemera and some hidden postal items - sometimes it pays to delve deeper into mixed lots!
I hope you’re following our new “live “ auction too - contact Steve if you have items for sale.
In between I reawoke my clay pigeon potting skills at a family 40th came 3rd of 10- well one doesn’t want to upstage the main event. My aim was unerring however at Stampex and 2 subsequent Fairs picking up nice cards. Which brings me to the lovely selection shown from my good friend Christian Murguet - brought a reminder seeing the Ponting card if I may be allowed to show off one of my signed favourites of his facsimile card. This came from the carpenter with Scott, Francis Davies who I assume went to see his films when he got back as the Glad Eye Penguin card was also signed from the same source.
It’s always good to try and document items in your collections when attributable to Expedition members for future reference - and it adds to the attraction and value! Already 2 fine Polar related events before Christmas to look forward to especially the Spink 200 years of Polar history but if I don’t see you there I’ll wish you Seasons Greetings and an enjoyable 2020 with several major shows we may meet at. P.S. Please remember to send John Youle your articles for Polar Post, no matter how short. Please concentrate on Polar material within a philatelic context.
Seasonal Greetings to all our Members!
I hope you’re following our new “live “ auction too - contact Steve if you have items for sale.
In between I reawoke my clay pigeon potting skills at a family 40th came 3rd of 10- well one doesn’t want to upstage the main event. My aim was unerring however at Stampex and 2 subsequent Fairs picking up nice cards. Which brings me to the lovely selection shown from my good friend Christian Murguet - brought a reminder seeing the Ponting card if I may be allowed to show off one of my signed favourites of his facsimile card. This came from the carpenter with Scott, Francis Davies who I assume went to see his films when he got back as the Glad Eye Penguin card was also signed from the same source.
It’s always good to try and document items in your collections when attributable to Expedition members for future reference - and it adds to the attraction and value! Already 2 fine Polar related events before Christmas to look forward to especially the Spink 200 years of Polar history but if I don’t see you there I’ll wish you Seasons Greetings and an enjoyable 2020 with several major shows we may meet at. P.S. Please remember to send John Youle your articles for Polar Post, no matter how short. Please concentrate on Polar material within a philatelic context.
Seasonal Greetings to all our Members!