Notice of Forthcoming 2024 Annual General Meeting
Agenda for the Annual General Meeting of the Polar Postal History Society of Great Britain
to be held as an Online Zoom Meeting on Saturday 29th June 2024 at 2pm BST (1pm UTC/GMT)
Robert Hurst Honorary Secretary.
1. Apologies for absence.
2. Minutes of the previous AGM held on 28th September 2023 (see Polar Post No. 279 December 2023 page 89).
3. Matters arising from the minutes.
4. Reports of the Society Officers (including Adoption of the Accounts for 2023).
5. Election of the Committee.
6. Election of the Accounts Examiner.
7. The Future Form of the Society and Polar Post.
8. Membership Subscriptions for 2025.
9. Any other Business.
10. Date of the next AGM.
1. Apologies for Absence
2 Minutes of the 2023 AGM - These can be read below
3. Matters arising – None
4. Reports of Officers Including Adoption of the Accounts
These can be read in the June 2024 issue of Polar Post here
5. Election of the Committee:
5.1 Chairman Trevor Cornford
5.2 Secretary Robert Hurst
5.3 Honorary Treasurer Alan Squires
5.4 Editor of Polar Post (Vacant)
5.5 Membership Secretary Robert McMillan
5.6 Auction Manager / Packet Superintendent (Vacant)
5.7 Committee Member Steve Allen (Web Manager)
6. Election of Accounts Examiner Prof. Brian Clayton
7. The Future Form of the Society & Polar Post
In common with many philatelic Societies, although successful compared to many, the Polar Postal History Society of Great Britain has experienced a falling number of members since the 1990’s reducing the pot of funds available to run the Society. As numbers reduce, the Society has also seen fewer members involve themselves directly with the Society, and it has been difficult to recruit members to take up Committee roles.
Over the same time frame the Society has seen greatly increasing costs of operation, primarily the cost of producing our journal and the postage required for its distribution. The result is that the Society’s finances are being put under severe strain. Details from our treasurer can be seen under point 8.
After many years asking for a replacement to be found and none coming forward, John Youle has tendered his resignation as editor of our journal Polar Post. To allow a transition John has very kindly agreed to produce the Polar Post up to the December edition 2024.
Following the announcement of John’s resignation your Secretary received a kind offer from an American member to take up the role of Editor. As part of the proposition he would arrange printing (based on an American magazine size format) and mailing of Polar Post. While the offer was most appreciated, the Committee was concerned that costs would be incurred in Dollars while the bulk of the income was in Sterling, along with the fact that the most of the membership live in the UK, not North America resulting in a possible increase in postal costs to the Society.
As an alternative the Committee have been exploring a suggestion by Steve Allen of a future for the Society that combines a greater emphasis for the website - with more up-to-date information, new functionality, and added tools to help members with their collections - together with the switch to an annual high-quality extended issue of Polar Post instead of the four issues that are currently mailed out. New articles would first be published online with the best of them appearing in the annual Polar Post edition.
Information that is time critical would be viewed online but members would still receive the polar philatelic content best viewed in a physical journal. This strategy would also have the advantage of reducing costs to the society and allowing subscription rates to be held down maintaining the viability of the Society.
More regular e-mail newsletters would be sent out to members advising of new content on the website to keep them updated, whilst it is proposed to hold frequent Zoom member meetings throughout the year.
Steve has said that he is willing to continue to maintain the website, upload member articles and content to the website, and edit the annual issue of Polar Post..
The Committee recommend that the Society follow the changes suggested by Steve Allen.
8. Membership subscriptions for 2025
(Dependant on the decision regarding the future direction of the Society)
The chart below shows the current situation of the Society’s finances.
Due to increases in the last 2 years in both printing costs and postage costs, we find ourselves making a loss.
This has hit the Society hard, and what was a healthy position in our end of year balance, is now cause for concern.
We do not have sufficient funds to continue throughout 2025 producing Polar Post in its present format, or in the same number of issues.
We have not increased our subscriptions for a number of years and have been able to use a small amount of our reserves to keep the subscription at its present level.
Polar Post is now costing £7.00 per copy, a substantial increase over former years. Members receive 4 copies per year, costing £28.00 per member per year. With subscriptions at £20 and £25 per year it is obvious why we are losing money.
Costs incurred by the Society | ||
per issue | per year | |
Printing | £900.00 | £3,600.00 |
Distribution | £500.00 | £2,000.00 |
Website | £400.00 | |
Total | £1,400.00 | £6,000.00 |
Income | ||
Subscriptions | £3,400.00 | |
Shortfall | -£2,600.00 |
Alan Squires
9. Any Other Business
No matters have been raised by the membership with the Secretary prior to the AGM for inclusion in the proceedings.
10. Date of Next AGM
Minutes of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) PPHSGB held on 26 February 2023
Venue: Autumn Stampex, Business Design Centre, London N1
Meeting opened at 12:20 with 7 members attending.
1. Apologies for absence: John Youle, Alan Squires, Daphne McMillan, Brian Clayton, Steve Allen, Gerry Pearce.
2. Minutes of the Previous Meeting:
Minutes of the AGM held Saturday 26 February 2022 were accepted as a true record. The Minutes were proposed by Robert McMillan, and seconded by Alan Godfrey, and passed unanimously.
3. Matters Arising: None.
4. Reports of the Society Officers: The reports
of the Society Officers were published in June 2023 edition of Polar Post and can be read here
Adoption of the Accounts was proposed by Sue Spring, seconded by Alan Godfrey and passed unanimously.
The finances of the Society remain on a firm footing, and while there is continued pressure on costs faced by the Society, the decision of the Committee is to continue subscriptions at the existing rates for 2024.
5. Election of the Committee:
The members of the Committee have agreed to stand for a further year in their current roles. President Gerry Pearce was elected in 2022 for a further term of three years; the position has not therefore been listed on the ballot.
No request to stand for a position on the Committee has been received in competition with the current officers. There being no objection from the floor to the election of the Society’s Officers being made en-bloc, the following structure was placed before the meeting:
Chairman Trevor Cornford
Hon. Secretary Robert Hurst
Hon. Treasurer Alan Squires
Editor of Polar Post John Youle
Membership Secretary Robert McMillan
Auction Manager/Packet Superintendent (Post Vacant)
Committee Member / Web Master Steve Allen
The election of Committee as described was proposed by Alan Godfrey, seconded by Roger Van Laere and passed unanimously by the meeting.
6. Election of Accounts Examiner:
Brian Clayton agreed to act as Accounts Checker for the year ending 31 December 2023. The appointment was proposed by Alan Godfrey, seconded by Roger Van Laere and passed unanimously.
7. Amendment to the Constitution:
A proposal to amend the Constitution of the Society was published in the June 2023 edition of Polar Post. The change would specifically authorise the option of holding future AGM’s using video conferencing software. The hope of the Committee is that the change will encourage greater participation of the membership in the running of the Society. In addition it was proposed that the time frame within which AGM’s are held are revised to allow greater flexibility to deal with unforeseen circumstances.
The meeting discussed the proposals and while there was general agreement with the published wording, it was felt that there should be a set minimum period following the mailing of the edition of Polar Post in which notice of the “virtual” AGM was notified before the meeting was held. The following revised wording was put to the meeting:
At the discretion of the Committee the Annual General Meeting (AGM) may be held as a “live” online meeting using video conferencing software. Notification of the intention to hold an online meeting to appear in the edition of the Society’s journal (Polar Post) proceeding the AGM; invitations for members to attend the AGM to be sent to the email addresses held on file by the Society. The date of the meeting should be at least 21 days after the date of mailing of the edition of Polar Post in which the AGM is notified to members.
The amendment to the wording of the first sentence of point 10 in the Constitution was also put to the meeting:
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) should be held once a year in the 12 months following the calendar year for which the AGM is being held.
Proposers for both changes: Proposer Trevor Cornford, Seconded by Robert McMillan and passed unanimously.
8. Any other Business: None
Members will be notified of the date of the next AGM in Polar Post. Meeting closed at 13:25.
Robert Hurst - Hon. Secretary
Polar Postal History Society of GB - Annual General
Meeting 2023
At The Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street Islington, London. N1 0QH
On Thursday 28th September 2023 at Autumn Stampex
From 12.30 to 14.30 in Society Space “THU2”.
Note the change of date!!
All members are most welcome.
You can read more about Stampex here
Polar Postal History Society of GB Annual General Meeting 2023 - 21st May 2023
To be held on 28th September 2023 at Autumn Stampex (Time and Room number to be notified)
Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street Islington, London. N1 0QH
The Society is planning to hold the 2023 AGM at Autumn Stampex. All members of the Society are encouraged to attend and vote. Any items for inclusion on the meeting’s Agenda should be sent to the Secretary Robert H. Hurst, by post to 3 Bletchingley
Road, Merstham, Surrey. RH1 3HT or by email to: hurstfamily.robert@ntlworld.com by 1st July 2023.
This is your Society. The Committee would like to see as many members as possible at the AGM, as your ideas, comments and participation are valued. If you wish to put yourself forward or nominate another member to come on to the Committee
please apply to the Secretary by 1st July 2023. Please note you must have the consent of the member to be nominated, and the nomination must be seconded by another member of the Society.
Following the AGM there should be time for a Bring and Buy session, following which, an opportunity for a couple of displays.
To assist in planning the event, please inform Robert Hurst in advance if you intend to bring a display with you.
Draft/Provisional Agenda for the AGM
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the Previous AGM held on 26th February 2022 (See Polar Post, N° 273, June 2022, Page 44).
3. Matters Arising
4*. Reports of the Society Officers - (including Adoption of the accounts for 2022 & subscription rates for 2024)
5. Election of the Committee
6. Election of the Accounts Examiner
7.** Revision of the Constitution of the PPHSGB dated 21st October 1992.
8. Date for next AGM
9. AOB
* The Accounts and the Reports of the Society Officers for 2022 are published in this issue of Polar Post.
** It is necessary to amend the 1992 Constitution to delete the requirement in Paragraph 10 that “not more than fifteen months shall elapse between meetings”. The Covid pandemic caused the Society problems in meeting this condition.
It is also desirable to insert a provision to allow that the AGM be held by a “live” online meeting using a video conference, e.g. using ZOOM which functions on most computing devices including Smart Phones and tablets.Over 50% of the membership are resident outside the UK. Further changes may be proposed. It is planned to publish the proposed revised Constitution in the September issue of Polar Post and online on the website.
SWINPEX 2023 - Saturday 10th June 2023
The event will take place at a new location which has insufficient room for Society tables. There is, however, a joint meeting of the FIPSG and PPHSGB from 11am to 1pm.
The new address is: Grange Leisure and Community Centre, Stratton St Margaret, Swindon SN3 4JY.
Swinpex 2023 10th June 2023
Swindon Philatelic Society can confirm there will be a 'Swinpex 2023' and it will be held on Saturday 10th June 2023. The venue will be Grange Leisure & Community Centre, Stratton St.Margaret, Swindon, SN3 4JY and the opening times are from 10.00 to 15.30.
Top dealers have confirmed their attendance and many specialist societies wil hold meetings including the Polar Postal History Society which will hold a joint meeting with the Falkland Island Philatelic Study Group.
More details to be provided near the date!
Polar Postal History Society of GB - Annual General Meeting 27th January 2022
Saturday 26th February 2022 at London 2022 10am to 12 Noon (Room number to be notified), Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street Islington, London. N1 0QH
Owing to the Covid-19 pandemic it has not been possible to hold a formal Annual General Meeting for the Society since 2019 (which covered 2018 financial year) though Officers reports have been published in Polar Post. February 2022 will see a major international stamp exhibition in the UK Capital: London 2022.
In addition to the Society taking a table at the show on 23rd February and holding a joint meeting with the Falkland Island Philatelic Study Group on Thursday 24th February (between Noon & 2pm), the Society has booked a meeting room on Saturday 26th February to allow a cumulative AGM to be held covering 2019 to 2021. All members of the Society are encouraged to attend and vote.
Draft Agenda for the AGM
1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the Previous AGM held on 16th February 2019 (See Polar Post, N°261, June 2019, Page 37).
3. Matters Arising
4*. Reports of the Society Officers - (including Adoption of the accounts for 2019, 2020 and 2021 & subscription rates for 2023)
5. Election of the Committee
6. Election of the Accounts Examiner
7. Date for next AGM
8. AOB
* The Accounts and the Reports of the Society Officers for 2019 were published in Polar Post, N°265, June 2020, Pages 33 to 35.
The Accounts and the Reports of the Society Officers for 2020 were published in Polar Post, N°269, June 2021, Pages 42 & 43.
The Accounts and the Reports of the Society Officers for 2021 will be available at the meeting
PPHSGB Annual General Meeting and Society Meeting Cancelled 25th March 2020
The Secretary, Robert Hurst, announces that, in light of the cancellation of the London 2020 stamp exhibition and the cancellation of our booking at the Royal Philatelic Society due to the Coronavirus pandemic, the annual general meeting of the society is cancelled. Further details will follow when the situation becomes clearer. We wish the best of health to our members and their families at this time.
MIDPEX 2019 PPHSGB and FIPSG stands 6th July 2019
The PPHSGB and the Falkland Islands Philatelic Study Group will have stands at MIDPEX 2019 in the
Warwickshire Event Centre, The Fosse, Fosse Way, near Leamington Spa, CV31 1XN on Saturday 6th July
2019 from 10:00 to 16:30. The event is run by the Midland Philatelic Federation and the Association of
British Philatelic Societies. It is sponsored by Cavendish Philatelic Auctions Ltd.
MIDPEX, the biennial exhibition first held in 1995 and attended by stamp collectors from across the UK, brings together Specialist Societies with local, national and international dealers covering all aspects of Philately.
This special event provides an opportunity for Specialist Societies to show off their sphere of interest to other collectors, to recruit members and identify common ground with members of other Societies. It also provides an opportunity for Societies to promote their publications and research projects and for members to meet informally, particularly those members who find it difficult to get to meetings in London.
The event on 6th July 2019 has been expanded with space for post card dealers as well as stamps, thematics and postal history. We have more dealers attending than ever and MIDPEX 2019 is going to be an event to remember!
More information can be found at the MIDPEX 2019 website: https://sites.google.com/site/midpex
Report on MIDPEX 2019 31st July 2019
The Polar Postal History Society has been regularly in attendance at both the annual Swinpex and the Midland Philatelic Federation’s Midpex (held every other year) for many years. Both are excellent, large, well run events, and for a collector based in the South East of England they offer a different range of dealers to those normally seen at local fairs.Apart from a display and society table alongside the Falkland Islands Philatelic Study Group, a joint meeting was held at Swinpex with the FIPSG at which over a dozen members drawn from both societies attended. The gathering enjoyed a number of short displays including several superb frames of material relating to
the Polar expeditions of Hubert Wilkins, which included items from his Nautilus submarine cruise to the Arctic.
At Midpex the organisers managed to include some postcard dealers alongside the usual retailers of stamps and postal history. PPHSGB member Bill Tilbury was in attendance bringing with him a considerable amount of polar covers for collectors to browse, as well as GB dealer Dr Paul Jones who assists Herbert Lealman with the distribution of Polar Post. A mixed display of Shackleton postcards, British Antarctic Territory 1973 Explorer Definitives, and a Great Britain 1972 Polar Explorer Issue were available to view at the PPHSGB table, together with a quantity of covers for sale courtesy of our Chairman Trevor
STOCKHOLMIA 2019 joint FIPSG and PPHSGB meeting 31st May 2019
The joint FIPSG and PPHSGB meeting took place during the Stockholmia 2019 exhibition, which was from 29 May to 2 June 2019 in central Stockholm. The exhibition celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Royal Philatelic Society of London. Find out what happened in the separate Stockholmia 2019 folder!
York in 1929: an Interrupted Polar Flight Saturday 1st June 2019 10:00
Serge Kahn gave an informative and well attended lecture Stockholmia entitled "
York in 1929: an Interrupted Polar Flight". If any member missed the lecture you can see the full presentation in the Stockholmia folder.
Polar Postal History Society of GB Annual General Meeting & London Spring Meeting
Saturday 16th February 2019 at Spring Stampex in Room “F” between 12:00 and 14:00.
The Polar Postal History
Society held its AGM at Spring Stampex on Saturday 16th February with a good number of members in attendance. Further details of the meeting will follow on the website and in Polar Post.
Polar Postal History Society of GB Annual General Meeting & London Spring Meeting
Saturday 16th February 2019 at Spring Stampex in Room “F” between 12:00 and 14:00.
The Secretary, Robert Hurst, announces that The Polar Postal History Society will hold its AGM at Spring Stampex, the Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, Islington, London, England - N1 0QH. All members of the Society are encouraged to attend and are entitled to vote as necessary. Items for inclusion in the agenda should be sent to the Secretary, Robert H. HURST, 3 Bletchingley Road, Merstham, Surrey RH1 3HT, by: 1st February 2019. ( E MAIL: secretary@polarpostalhistory.org.uk).
We would like to see as many members as possible at the AGM. The Society needs your ideas and comments. If you wish yourself to be put forward or nominate another member for the committee please apply to the Secretary for a nomination form which must be completed and returned by 1st February 2019. Please note that you must have the consent of the member to be nominated and the nominated member must be seconded by another member of the Society.
Following the AGM, there will be a short time for a Bring & Buy Session. Following this, there will be time for displays. Please bring material along with you for display, even just a few sheets. Please inform Robert Hurst in advance if you intend to bring a display with you.
Agenda for the AGM
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Previous AGM held on 17th February 2018
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. Reports of Society Officers for 2018
5. Election of Committee
6. Membership Subscription Rates for 2020
7. Future of PPHSGB Residential Weekends
8. Any Other Business
19th – 21st October
The Polar Postal History Society Cambridge Residential Weekend with
the theme of "Americans in the Polar Regions" was enjoyed by all who
attended. Some images of society members "in action" are shown below. Several of the displays featured Richard Byrd and some polar items from Byrd's expeditions to the Antarctic and Arctic are featured above. A
full report of all member's displays appears in the December issue of Polar Post.
Polar Postal History Society 2018 Residential Weekend
19th – 21st October
2018 Royal Cambridge Hotel
- Main Weekend Theme “The Americans in the Polar Regions”
2018 sees a number of eras of Anniversary of the USA in exploring, including the disputed 1908 claim on the North Pole, and 1955-58 Deep Freeze and IGY onwards. Covering this and all other possible connections with their activity seems overdue.
This can be from Postcards issued, ships in use, mail of course used on or about Expeditions – and not all on Admiral Byrd please! Photos, covers, maps, - indeed we await to see and be amazed at what attendees will bring to show and tell!
All main slots have been filled, but remember Saturday night for this and any subject of choice, your latest purchase etc. – Just bring it!
Draft Programme
6pm WELCOME by the President GERRY PEARCE, drinks reception and introductions.
9pm Approx. Introduction to the Weekend by President GERRY PEARCE, followed by:
STEVE ALLEN, “American Arctic Expeditions 1853 - 1939”.
10.15pm Approx. CLOSE after viewing and Questions, the bar is available to continue debate.
7.30am - 9.15am BREAKFAST
9.30am - 10.00am BRIAN CLAYTON will present a range of ALL “Byrd material 1928-47” to start.
10.05am - 10.50am GRAHAM BOOTH will show his “BYRD DECONSTRUCTED” story.
10.55am COFFEE BREAK - AUCTION LOTS organised for viewing.
11.05am Auction Preview - time to get your bids prioritised!
11.35am SOCIETY AUCTION - BILL TILBURY as Guest auctioneer presiding.
1.00pm Approx. LUNCH INTERVAL (Time depends on auction finish).
Lunch is at your own expense. It not part of the package.
2.30pm Approx. The SCOTT POLAR RESEARCH INSTITUTE, with a revamped Museum. The Botanical Gardens are a short walk away, as is the Fitzwilliam Museum and City centre shopping!
4pm Approx. MEMBERS BOURSE - Bring, buy and sell your spare material!
IF anyone wants a large table, please see Robert Hurst, or any Committee member.
SATURDAY continues with FREE TIME UNTIL DINNER. Rest, chit chat, shop in Cambridge, get ready for the MEMBERS EVENING SHOW.
9pm Approx. MEMBERS ENTERTAIN YOURSELVES! Bring an interesting item of special interest, theme
ON ANY SUBJECT - share your enthusiasm! e.g. perhaps your ‘best buy’, Internet find, latest addition etc. Also, some of the RPS,L Displays from 31st May may be shown. PLEASE NOTE: Due to pressure on time, and as it is most popular, you may be limited to 9 SHEETS, and 5 minutes chat!
10.30pm CLOSE - BAR TIME!
8.00am - 9.15am BREAKFAST.
9.30am - 10.30am DAVID WALKER “BYRD THE HERO" including publicity ephemera.
10.35am - 10.50am COFFEE BREAK. At your own expense.
10.55am - 12.00 RICHARD HINDLE “The BYRD Arctic & Antarctic and MacMillan STORY and postal history theme”.
12.05am ROUND UP AND ‘BON VOYAGE’: Closing weekend review, thanks and thoughts for next time!
Followed by LUNCH - Available at your own choice and expense.
AGENDA & VENUE organised by Trevor Cornford, WITH assistance from the Committee,
ESPECIALLY Bill Tilbury on Auction, Robert Hurst, John Youle in general. Especial thanks to our contributors in all areas.
I hope you have a good time and safe travelling.
This event took place on 31st May at the Royal Philatelic Society, London and presented a broad display of material of polar philatelic material. It was was an uncommon opportunity to view a variety of extraordinary Polar material at a single venue.
It was a great success and was one of the most attended events at the "Royal" held this year with over 150 visitors.
a broad display of material in this field interested those
currently involved in Polar Philately, but also attracted many visitors with a curiosity or
developing interest in Polar Philately.
Read more in the Royal Philatelic Society Polar Group Display section!
31st May 2018: Polar Philatelic Display at the Royal Philatelic Society, London, 1pm to 6pm.
This event is essentially for Fellows and Members of the RPSL but members of the PPHSGB who are not members of the Royal are cordially invited to attend. However, you MUST contact Robert Hurst or Trevor Cornford to get on the Register for guest entry if you are not a member of the Royal.
List of the Displays
Allen, Steve - 3 x 12 sheets The Heroic Age of Norwegian Polar Exploration
Blechschmidt, Frank - 2 x 12 sheets The British Antarctic Territory 1962-1980
Bringer, Daniel - 1 x 12 sheets Scottish National Antarctic Expedition 1902-04
Bringer, Daniel - 3 x 12 sheets Swedish South Polar Expedition 1901-04
Cornford, Trevor - 3 x 9 sheets Scott
Hammond, Marc - 2 x 12 sheets Bouvet Island
Hindle, Richard - 4 x 9 sheets Amundsen’s Northeast Passage Expedition 1918-25
Kahn, Serge - 1 x 12 sheets Dumont d’Urville Helps Reveal Antarctica
Kahn, Serge - 2 x 12 sheets French Participation in the 2nd IPY 1932-33
Kraus, Jiri - 4 x 12 sheets Search and Discovery of Antarctica
Losserand, Pierre - 1 x 12 sheets France during the IGY in Antarctica
Manzati, Claudio - 4 x 12 sheets North Pole Russian Drifting Stations: NP1 to NP16
Maselis, Patrick - 1 x 9 sheets Expédition de Gerlache 1897-1899
McMillan, Robert - 3 x 12 sheets Norwegian Whaling Mail
Murguet, Christian - 3 x 12 sheets The Antarctic expeditions 1897-1913
Murguet, Christian - 2 x 9 sheets Nobu Shirase and the Japanese Antarctic Expedition 1910-12
Nicklas, Siegfried - 3 x 12 sheets Early German Antarctic Expeditions
Osborne, Hugh - 1 x 12 sheets South Shetlands Postal History to 1934
Osborne, Hugh - 3 x 12 sheets South Georgia Postal History from 1883
Vogel, Hal - 1 x 12 sheets The Wilkes Antarctic Expedition
Vogel, Hal 3 x 12 sheets Pre-WWII Polar Lighter-Than-Air Flights
Wiskin, David - 2 x 9 sheets Shackleton
17 February: PPHSGB AGM and Spring Meeting at Spring Stampex in Room “F” from 12:00am to 14:00pm.
The Secretary, Robert Hurst, announces that The Polar Postal History Society will hold its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 17th February 2018 at Spring Stampex, the Business Design Centre, 52 Upper Street, Islington, London, England - N1 0QH. All members of the Society are encouraged to attend and are entitled to vote as necessary. Items for inclusion in the agenda should be sent to the Secretary, Robert H. HURST, 3 Bletchingley Road, Merstham, Surrey RH1 3HT, by: 1st February 2018. E MAIL:- hurstfamily.robert@ntlworld.com
would like to see as many members as possible
at the AGM. The Society needs your ideas and comments. If you
wish yourself to be put
forward or nominate another member for the committee please
apply to the Secretary for a nomination form
which must be completed and returned by
1st February 2018. Please note that you must have
the consent of the member to be
nominated and the nominated member must be seconded
by another member of the Society.
Following the AGM, there
will be
a short time for a Bring & Buy Session.
Following this, there will be time for displays.
Please bring material along with
you for display, even just a few sheets.
Please inform Robert Hurst
in advance if you intend to bring a display with you.
Agenda for the AGM
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Minutes of the Previous AGM held on 18th February 2017
3. Matters Arising from the Minutes
4. Reports
of Society Officers for 2018
5. Election of Committee
6. Membership Subscription Rates for 2019
7. Any Other Business
20th to 22nd September 2013 - The PPHSGB Diamond
Jubilee Residential Weekend at the Royal Cambridge Hotel (Cambridge UK)
PPHSGB Residential Weekend, the fourth to be held at the
Royal Cambridge Hotel, was a
great success with over 40 members and partners present either
as residential or day visitors.
It was particularly pleasing to see so many visitors from
outside the UK with members present from Germany, France,
Australia, Belgium, Norway and
Sweden. Articles on the Weekend and the displays will be
published in Polar Post starting in
December 2013. Particular thanks go to Trevor
Cornford, Robert and Nikki Hurst and Bil Tilbury for all their
hard work before, during and
after the Weekend. My thanks (J.H.Y.) also go to Daphne McMillan
who is writing up the displays for Polar Post.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor augue a turpis porttitor maximus. Nulla luctus elementum felis, sit amet condimentum lectus rutrum eget.