Indexes 1976 to 2021

Indexes 1976 to 2021.pdf

Index to Volume 8; Issues 91, 92, 93.
October 1975; April 1976; October 1976
Index compiled by: J. A. FINLAY
Adams, Lt, C. H. C. 78
"Adare" Station 17-24, 51, 54
Adelaide Island (Base T) 50, 60, 65, 67, 72
Adelaide Island - problem cover 72
Adélie Land, TAAF 44-48, 81, 82
Beechcraft 12
Globemaster C. 124 17
Hercules C 130, RCAF 41
Hercules C 130, RNZAF 66, 68
Alaska Collectors Club 64
"Alaskan Philatelist" The 64
Alpine Club, London 1
Alpine Club of Italy, Antarctic
Expd. 1968/69 8-10
American Society of Polar
Philatelists (ASPP) 32, 59
Antarctic Snow Cruiser Covers 12-15
Arctic Flight, First hovercraft 41
Argentina: Stamp issue,
Antarctic Pioneers 1
Argentine Islands (Base F) 60, 84
Armour Institute of Technology 14
H. R. Harmer Ltd. 1, 61
Robson Lowe Ltd. 5, 61, 62, 79
Australian Antarctic Territory
Auction realisations 62
Postal History, Book review 76
"Thala Dan" Base Dates 1976 82
Women Wintering over 84
Barber, Geoffrey 60, 64
Bear Island 34-37
Bellingshausen Base 10, 52, 55, 70
Besnard, Mr. 81
Bilhant, Commandant 8, 9
Bogaerts, Winoc 59
Bollin Press (Printers) 60
Books & Catalogues
"Antarctic Posts and Stamps"
(Dr. J, H. Harvey Pirie) 16
"A Weeks run to Holland and
What led to it" (Peter Green) 7
"Greenland-Faroe Is. Catalogues
1976" (Eric Wowern) 26
"Postal History of the
Australian Antarctic 1911
1965" (Roy M. Milner) 76
"Postal History of the Yukon
Territory" (Rob Woodhall) 1
"Saga of the White Horizon"
(Magnus Olsen) 16
Bouvet Island 27, 73
British Antarctic Expd. 1910-1913 74, 75
ditto Registered Letter 74, 75
British Antarctic Survey 49, 84
British Antarctic Territory
Churchill commemorative; local
dating FDC 60
Roving Postal Clerk, 1974/75 60
Signy Island, new canceller on
cover 7, 9
"Watchman" tips 77
Whaling and Silver jubilee,
new issues 64
½p definitive flaws and reprint 60
10p 1973 issue 1
Brown, T. G. 79, 81
Bruce Expedition 16
Bruce, Guenevie 74, 75
Bruce, Lt: Wilfred K (Letter) 74, 75
Bullock, Gerry 5
Burley, Commdr. M. K., MBE 49
Byrd Antarctic Expedition I 85, 86
Byrd Antarctic Expedition III 8, 12-14
Byrd Richard E. 85, 86
Hovercraft, First flight 41
Italian Arctic Expeditions 27-31
Northern Transportation Co. Ltd. 41
Taylor North Pole Expd. 1976 59
Casey Base ANARE 82
Charcot Base TAAF 44-48
Cirane Dr. Massinio 27
Civitanova Marche, Italy, Polar Museum 27
Clark, Mrs. Jean 65
Cook, Capt. James 81
Crown Agents 1, 60, 64
Crozet Islands, TAAF 44-48
Davis, Frank T. 85, 86
Deception Island (Base B) 50
Dronning Maud Land (Western) 73
Dry Valley Drilling Project (DVDP) 67, 69
Dumont d'Urville, TAAF 44-48, 81, 82
Dutch - Belgian Antarctic Expd.
1964/5 Ref. 59
Dutch Spitsbergen Expd. 1972– Ref. 57
Elephant Island - Joint Services
Expd.197/77 49
Ellsworth, Lincoln 16
Ellsworth, Trans-Antarctic Expd.
1933/36 16
Evans, H. E. J. 5, 6, 76, 77
Falkland Islands:
Auction realisations 61
Circular date-stamp impressions 60
Economic Survey 64
New Issues, Coinage Comms. 60
" " Falkland Island Wool 60
" " Heraldic Arms 1, 60
" " Ships Defins. 60, 64
Page 2 Polar Post Index October 1975 to October 1976 (Volume 8)
Falkland Islands continued:
" " Silver Jubilee 64
Registered envelope, printing error 60
Reprint, ½p definitive 60
High Value Stamps, use 64
Falkland Islands Dependencies
Auction Realisations 62
Re-use of 1931 canceller, 1947 50
Ship definitives, 1954, 2/-, 2/6 1
Falkland Islands study circle 64
Faroe Islands catalogues 1976 26
Forgeries, Greenland postmarks 40
Fossil Bluff (BAS) 33, 65
Fox, J. K. T. (l.0. Study Circle) 47
France: Joint Soviet/French
Antarctic Expd. 1968/69 51, 52, 55
French Society of Polar Philatelists 81
French Southern and Antarctic Territory:
Adélie Land Expedition, 1976 82
Auction realisations 62
Durmont d'Urville, 20th Anniv. Cover 82
Excessive number of hand stamps 81
Forged covers 81
"International Antarctic Glaciological
Project" (L.A.G.P.) 82
Irregular Philatelic Covers 81
Kerguelen cover 7, 9
Mid Winter cancellations 82
New Issues: Kerguelen 81
Number of covers ex, Adélie Land 81
"Postal History" 44-48
"Pourquoi - Pas?" issue 1
"Thala Dan" voyage 1976 82
Garbutt, Ray 5, 27-32, 34, 37,
Germany (East) Antarctic Postmark 66, 67
Glad, Capt. 57
Gough Island 3, 8, 51, 69, 70
Green, Peter (Tristan da Cunha) 7
Catalogues 1976 26
Christmas datestamp 10
Cover Offers 10, 56, 71
Daneborg, P. O. closed 42, 43
Greenland Exhibition in
Denmark 71, 86
"Greenland News" 26, 42-44, 86, 87
Greenland Postal History Souvenir 86
Holsteinsborg, special date stamp 10, 26, 44
Italian Expedition 1963 27, 28
Jacobshavn, First day postmark 43
Julianehab postmark 26, 44
New issues:
Narwhal 26
Polar Bears 86, 87
Queen Margrethe 10, 11
Royal Greenland Trade Dept. 10, 11, 86
Schooner 26
Sirius Sledge patrol 42, 56
Sport Stamp 86, 87
Telecommunications 42
Nipisat Post Office 26
Postmark Forgeries – “Pakke-Porto” 40
Greenland continued:
Postmarks, current issues
and withdrawals 43, 86
Postmarks, pictorial 10, 11, 26, 43,
44, 87
Sdr. Stromfjord, postmarks 10, 26, 42-44,
71, 87
"Watchman" Tips 77
Hackett, Bill 33,34, 76
"Hail and Farewell to Hallett" 17-24
Hallett Station, Antarctica 17-24, 51-54
Halley Bay (Base Z) 60, 72
Handley, Rev. A. E. 2
Hayes, Harry (Publisher) 1
Heitler, Erwin 34-38
Higashi, Prof. 69
Hope Island 34-37
Voyageur CH-NTL. 41
"Hovermail Collectors Club" 41
Hudson Bay Co. 30
Hunting Aero Survey 83
Ibbotson, Peter 44-48
Norwegian Embassy 37
Ice Island T-3, Arctic Ocean Ref. 59
IIT Research Institute,Chicago, U. S. A. 14
Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expd. 1914 1
Indian Ocean Study Circle 47
International Geophysical Year 13, 15, 17-24,
46, 51, 54
International Thematic Exhibition
Ref. "Themabelga" 40
Institute of Polar Geography 27-32
ditto: Bibliographic notes 30
ditto: and Polar Philately 27-32
National Research Council
Antarctic 1973/74 51
Jan Mayen Island 34, 35
Auction realisations 62
Icebreaker "Fuji" 50, 53
Whale Museum, Taji 60, 69
Whaling Covers 1974/75 8, 9, 50, 52, 66,
Joint Services Expeditions, Elephant
Island, 1970/71, 1976/77 49
Kerguelen Islands 44-48
Kerguelen Islands - oldest known cover 45
Lajugie, Jean Claude 63, 73, 81, 82, 83
Lamberts Bay Canning Co. 2, 3
Lawrence, Rev. C, D. 2
Lazarez Base {USSR) Antarctica 70
Lealman, Herbert 34
Leppard, R. J. B. 5, 83
Little America 1 85, 86
Little America V 17-24
Lloyd, Sgt. W. T. 49, 63, 84
Lukas, Bernd. 3, 4
Page 3 Polar Post Index October 1975 to October 1976 (Volume 8)
Mac Kay & Crabb 79
Macquarie Island, ANARE 83, 84
Madagascar -Antarctic Territories
1924/1955 44-48
Maffei, Clemente 50
Magazines and Periodicals
"Alaskan Philatelist" 64
"Stamp Collecting" 77
"Stamp Monthly" 1
"Upland Goose" 64
Mangum, Elder Max Knight 85, 86
Manzoni, Dr, Marcello 8-10, 50
Marion Island 8
Masonic Schools Arctic Expd. 1975 57, 58
"Maudheim" Antarctic Base 22
Mauri, Carlo 8-10
McCorquodale, printers 64
McMillan, Angnus 65
Milner, Roy M. 76
Minestrini, Prof, Walter 27
Mirny Base, (USSR) Antarctica 51, 52
Morisch, Don 64
Moses, Alfred J. 12-14
Moses, Samuel B. 12-14
Mosita, Capt. M. 50, 53
Museum of the Whale 69
National Research Council,
Antarctic 1973/74 (Italy) 51, 56
Nautical Publishing Co. Ltd. 16
Neild, Mrs. 83
New Zealand:
Hallet Station, Cancellations at 17-24
Northern Ireland Polar Club 57, 58, 84
Northern Transportation Co. Ltd. Canada 41
Antarctic Expd. 1976/77 73
New Issues - Spitsbergen Anniv. 71
Polar Institute 73 Polar filex, Tromso 72
Polar radio cards (QSL's) 34-38
Royal Air Force Arctic Expd. 1976 84
Norwegian - British - Swedish
Expd. (1949-52) 22
Norwegian Embassy - Iceland 37
Oates, Cant, L. E. G. 74
Ollier, Alessie 8-10
Olsen, Magnus 16
"Operation is not easy", The 85-86
Orde, Lees, Capt. T. 1
Orcades del Sud. 16
Orheim, Dr., Olav 73
PAD Studios 64
Page, W. A., FRPSL 2, 39, 78
Palmer Station, USARP 3, 4
Partridge, Rev. 39
Penguin I (Snow Cruiser) 12-14
Pettit, Capt., L. E. 2
Piussi, Ignazio 8, 9, 50
Polarfilex Tromsø 72
Polar Postal History Society G. B.
Accounts 1974/75 6, 77
Auctions 69, 73
Auction Rules 6
Polar Postal History Society G. B. continued:
Back Issues - Polar Post 33
Cover Offers 7-10, 50-56;
Distribution 34
Library 5, 33, 73
Meeting Reports, 1975 33, 83
Members Notice Board 25
Notes 63
Secretary's Report, 1974/75 5, 76, 77
Silver Jubilee Year, 1977 73
Polarsirkelen 84
Poulter, Dr, Thomas C. 12
QSL's - Polar Region radio cards 34-38
Queen Maud Land, Antarctic
Expd. 1976/77 73
Radio Acknowledgement Cards
(QSL's) 34-38
Rankin Inlet 27, 29
Repetto, Mrs. Francis 2
Repulse Bay 30
Richards, C. J. (Hovermail
Collectors Club) 41
Robson Lowe Ltd. 5, 61, 62; 76, 79
Roly, Mr. 81
Ross Dependency (NZ):
Alpine Club of Italy
Antarctic Expd. 1968/69 8-10
ditto Cover offers 8
Auction realisations 62
Dry Valley Drilling Project
(D. V. D. P.) 67, 69
Hallett Station 17-24
Ice Cube 10, 1974 66, 68
Italian Antarctic Expd. 1973/74 (2nd) 50, 51, 56
Ross, Sir James Clark 81
Rouillon, Gaston 81
Royal Air Force, Arctic Expd. 1976 84
Auction realisations 62
Larzarez Base, Antarctica 70
"Linblad Explorer" at Bellingshausen 70
14th Soviet Antarctic Expd. 1968/69 51, 52, 55
Scott Base 8-10, 51, 56,
Scott Kathleen (Capt R. F. Widow) 74, 75
Scottish Philatelic Congress 65, 66
Scottish Spitsbergen Syndicate
Expd. 1909 (Ref) 57
Segre, Dr. A. 8-10, 50, 51, 66
Shackleton, Sir Ernest 1
Shackleton, Lord 62, 64
Sheldrake, Harry 33, 63, 83
AES 60
Almanzara 39
Amelia 60
Atka USS 18, 22
Atlantis RMS 39
Arneb USS 17, 20, 51, 54
Bear USS 13
Bear of Oakland 16
Blackhawk 60
Page 4 Polar Post Index October 1975 to October 1976 (Volume 8)
Ships continued:
Bransfield RRS 7-9, 50
Carnarvon Castle 79
Challenger HMS 81
City of New York SS 16, 85
Clan MacMillan 80
Darwin 60
Deutschland 83
Eleanor Bolling SS 16, 85
Endurance HMS 65, 67
Endurance SY 1
Erebus HMS 17, 81
Fairy 60
Falkland 60
Fitzroy SS 60
Fleurus 60
Foam 60
Français 1
Frances Repetto MV 33
Fuji Icebreaker 50, 53
Gallieni MV 7, 9, 47, 48
Glacier USS 14
Harald Jarl MS 57, 58
Hebe” 60
Herald H. MS 5
Hero R. V. 3, 4
Jeanne d'Arc DS 45
John Biscoe RRS 65, 66
Lafonia 60
Lindblad Explorer 62, 70
Lofoten MS 57, 58
Marion Dufresne 81
Memphis 60
Merak N 60
Nautilus 60
North Star USMS 13
Northwind USCGC 17-24
Oravia 60
Pequena 2
Polarsirkel MS 73
Pourquoi-Pas? 1
Private John R. Towle 80
Professor Zubov SRS 51, 55
Raleigh HMS 5
RSA MV 8, 69, 70
Ruppert 16
Spiegelgrove USS 33
Ter je Vigen MS 84
Terror HMS 81
Thala Dan MS 81-83
Tonan Maru No. 2 8, 9
Transvaal HMSAS 33
Trepassey MV 50, 83
Tristania MV 64
Wyatt Earp 16
Nisshin Maru No. 3 50, 52
Shorrocks, Flt/Lt, C. (RAF) 84
Signy Island (Base H) 7, 9, 60
Simpson, Dr, Hugh 65
Siple, Paul 85
Smith, Flt /Lt. D. (RAF) 84
Smith, John 60
Smith, Kenneth 80
Snow Cruiser, The 12-15
South Africa 8, 51, 69, 70
Sondhelm, Sonia 26, 42-44, 86, 87
Sondhelm, W. S. 1, 62, 74, 75
South Georgia:
Auction realisations 61, 62
Circular date stamp, new 1
Cook, Capt., James, First day of issue
dates and postmarks 1
Cover offers 8
Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expd.
Mail 1914 1
"Lindblad Explorer" visit 62
Mail dates - season 1974/75 1
New lssues:
Discovery Investigations 62, 64
New Issues Silver Jubilee 1977 64
Notes 1, 62, 64, 74, 75
Overprint, S.G. hand-stamp 10/- value 62, 74
Reprints: 1p, 50p 60; 74
Shackleton, Lord, (visit) 62
Straight Line hand-stamp on covers 62, 74
"Watchman" tips 77
South Pole, Post Office 1
South Shetlands, at auction 61
Spafford, Major R. 64
Masonic School Arctic Expd. 1975 57, 58
New Issues, 50th Anniversary 71
QSL's - Radio Cards 34-38
Stocchino, Dr. Carlo 8, 9, 50
Stride, Dr, J. D. 79
Styles, D. C. 33, 61, 83
Svensson, Roland 64
Cover Offers 10
Lappland, Italian Arctic Expd. 27
Malmberget Ski Festival 10
TAAF see French Southern
and Antarctic Territory
Tahiti 85, 86
Tairov, M. P. - Master "Professor Zubov" 52
Taylor, James (Toronto) 59
Towle, Pte. John R. 80
Tristan da Cunha:
"Atlantis" RMS visit 39
Auction realisations 5, 61, 62, 79
Book, 1904 7
"Carlisle" HMS Visit 78
"Carnarvon Castle" date error 79
Censored cover, 1940 79
"Cover with a Story" 2, 3, 39, 78
Earliest known cover (1896) 5
Earliest Ship Cachet (1919) 80
Festival of Stamps, Issue FDC 64
Manuscript endorsement (c) 1933 39
New Issues:
Definitives (1976) 64
Island Views 64
Postage Dues 64
Whales 1
"Tristan Exploration Co. (Pry) Ltd" 3
"Tristan Notes" 79, 80
Tristan Spinning Wheel 80
Tristan Venture, Expedition 1948 2, 3
"Watchman" tips 77
Page 5 Polar Post Index October 1975 to October 1976 (Volume 8)
Tufft, Maud 57
Tufft, Roger 57
Tuktoyaktuk, NWT 41
Uexkull, Von, Jakob 40
United States:
Auctions realisations 62
Byrd Antarctic Expd. III 12-14
French I. A, G, P, request 83
Hallett Station 17-24
"Hero" RV 3, 4
Little America V 17-24
McMurdo Station 17-24
Operation Deep Freeze 1957/58 13, 15, 51, 54
Palmer Station USARP 3, 4
Ate, John R. Towle 80
Snow Cruiser, The 12-15
South Pole Post Office 1, 22
United States Antarctic Service 12
Victor, Paul Emile 82
Victoria Land, NZ issue on
Registered cover 74, 75
Vogel, Hal 17- 24, 32, 59,
85, 86
Ward Hunt Island (NWT) 59
British Antarctic Territory, new issue 64
Deception Island, Ref. 50
Japanese Factory Ships'
"Nisshin Maru No. 3" 50, 52
"Tonan Maru No. 2" 8, 9
Kerguelen Islands 45
Museum of the Whale, Japan 66, 69
Tristan da Cunha, New issue 1
Wickham, George 5
Wilde, Rev, Harold 39, 78
Wilkes Station (US) 51, 54
Wilkins, Sir Hubert 16
Wilkins Antarctic Expd., cover ref. 61
Wilkinson, Eric 57
Wowern, Eric 26, 40
Zavatti, Professor S. 27-32
Zimmerman, Mrs.

Index to Volume 9; Issues 94, 95, 96.
Index compiled by: J. A. FINLAY
Adams, W. M. 61
Adelaide Island, (Base T) 2, 79
Rothera Point 79, 84
Catalina, Greenland issue 86
Helicopter, " " 86, 87
Hercules, C 130 10, 23, 25, 47-54
Starfighter 10
American Society of Polar Philatelists
Iceberg 5, AAT cover offer 30
"Ice Cap News", ref. 45
"And then there was one" 47- 54
Antarctic Newsreel 79 - 85
ARAKS, joint French/USSR Project 72
Argentine Islands, (Base F) 2, 3, 4, 22, 25, 61,
New handstamp 79
Auckland Islands 1915,
Auction realisations 14
Prices realised 14
Robson Lowe Ltd. 14
Phillip Island, articles posted 1975/76 1
Australian Antarctic Territory
Cook, James, comm. issue
(numbers issued) 1
Davis Base, 20th Anniv. cover 30
Mawson Base, cover 60
South Indian Ocean Expd.
Heard Is. 1964/65 2, 4
Barber, Geoffrey 79-85
1957 Antarctic Expd. Auction
realisations 14
Binnie, Edward B, 88, 89
Books & Catalogues
"Collectors Mail Auctions"
Prices realised 1973/75 46
"Crisis in Utopia" (Peter Munch) 46
"Ice with everything"
(Major H. W. Tilman) 27
"In Mischiefs Wake"
(Major H. W. Tilman) 27
"Mischief among the Penguins"
(Major H. W. Tilman) 27
"Mischief goes South"
(Major H. W. Tilman) 27
"Mischief in Greenland"
(Major H. W. Tilman) 27
"Mischief in Patagonia"
(Major H. W. Tilman) 27
"Mostly Mischief"
(Major H. W, Tilman) 27
"Philatelie Demarest", Paris
(Major H. W. Tilman) 12
Polar Books - Catalogue No. 1
(Pub, John O'Reilly) 12
"Postal History, Australian
Antarctic, 1911 /1965 (R, Milner) 2
"Postal History of Yukon Territory,
Canada" (R. G. Woodall) 91
Auction realisations 14
Expd. to, 1898/99 55
British Antarctic survey 79
British Antarctic Territory
Cover Offers 2, 22, 25, 60, 61
Deception Island, Volcanic Eruption 60, 67
Halley Bay 79
Postal Rates (1976) 15
Postmark, 30 mm, Argentine Islands 22, 25
Postmark, 34 mm, Argentine
Islands, F. D. C, 79, 84
Registration facilities 79
Rothera Point, new postmark 79, 84
Signy Island, Silver Wedding FDC 2
Silver Jubilee, Issue dates/
Plate No's, 79, 84
Whaling Issue, Issue dates/
Plate No's 79
Brown, T. G. 13, 14, 32-46B
Bruce, Dr. W. S. (SNAE 1903) 22
Burden, Capt. Eugene 3
Cambridge Expd. Tierra del Fuego 1976/77 61, 67
Cambridge University Expedition
1955/56 Gough Island 20
Postal History of Yukon Territory 91
Cape Evans 6, 10, 23, 25
Cape Geddes, Base C FIDS 22, 27
Cape Royds 6, 8, 10, 23, 25
Cape Town: RSA
Dumb Paquebot mark 13
Paquebot Cancel, ref. 20
Cepparo, Prof. Renato 56
Cambridge Expd. Tierra
del Fuego, 1976/77 61, 67
Republic's Presidential Visit
1977 to Antarctica-cover 93
Chun, Dr. Carl, (1898) 55
Clarence Island 10
Clifford, Sir Miles 3
Coorfield, H. S. A. (Censor) 36
Copenhagen – Greenland Post Bureau 27
Crawford, A. B. 37, 78
Creagh, Percy 37
Cutress, George 31, 77
Dallman, Edward (1873) 54
Davis Base AAT 30
Deception Island
Auction realisations 14
Volcanic Eruption 1967 60, 67
Desko, Commdr. D. A. 47-54
2 Polar Post Index 1977 (Volume 9)
"Dome Charlie" 47-54
Dundas, Greenland 86
Egedesmunde, Greenland 87
Elephant Island, Joint Services
Expd. 1976/77 10, 11
Elias, H. G. (ASPP) 30
Ellison, Norman H., 31
Evans, H, E. J. 26, 27, 31, 77
Everest Expedition, 1938 (ref.) 26
Falkland Islands
Aerogrammes, Provisional 1977 80, 81
Definitives 1p - £3 ships (1978) 82
Flying Boat issue, 1977 82
New Postal Rates 1976 15
Silver Jubilee issue 1977 80
Stamps used at South Georgia 88
Telecommunications issue 1977 80
Falkland Islands Dependencies
Cape Geddes, Base C 22, 27
Definitives 1954 issue, 1d, value 3
Peace issue, used at Argentine Island 2
Reference to 88
Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey
(FIDS) 22
Falkland Islands Study Circle of GB 80
Filchner, Wilhelm, Ref. 92
French Southern and Antarctic Territory
Capt. James Cook, bi-centenary
FDC 23, 24
MV "Marion Dufresne",
postal history 68-76
Paquebot markings 68-76
South Indian Ocean Expd. 1964/65 2, 4
Gane, Douglas 35, 37
Garbutt, R. G. 29, 31, 56, 68-76
Gass, Dr. Ian 78
"Gauss" Expedition 1901-03 54-55
Geddes, Prof. Patrick 22
Antarctic Expd. 1901-03 55
Antarctic Fishing Research 1976 90
Early Antarctic Voyages 54, 55
Deep Sea Expd. 1898-99 55
International Polar Year Expd. 1882 55, 88
South Polar Expd. 1911-12 92
Wilhelm Filchner Centenary
Expedition 1977 92
Germany (East) Antarctic Postmark 3, 8, 93
Gibbs Island 10
Glass, Corporal William 32
Glass, Thomas 36
Godthab 7-9, 86, 87
Gough Island
Cambridge University Expd, 1955/56 20
Cover Offer 62, 65
Duke of Edinburgh visit 1957 39
Postal History (Tristan da Cunha) 32 - 46B
"QSL's" 16 - 21
Survey 1955/56 (ref.) 39
Grahamland - Falkland Islands
Dependency 2
Grant, General, Expd, Auction realisations 14
Green, Peter William (Tristan da Cunha) 33
Arctic Supply 1972/1973 7, 9, 28, 62, 65
Christmas Seal & Postmarks 86, 87
Cover Offers 7, 9, 23, 27, 28,
62, 63
Faeringehavn PO 27
Godthab postmarks 7, 9, 86, 87
Greenland notes, July,
1976 - June, 1977 86, 87
Hafnia International Stamp Exhib. 62, 63
Joint Services Expd.
Liverpool Land 1977 86, 87
Mesters Vig. P. O. & cachets 28
New Issues: 86, 87
Catalina Aeroplane 80 ore 86
Helicopter 2 Kr. 86, 87
M/S. Kununguak. 1 Kr. 86
Polar Bear, First day of issue 9
Queen Margrethe 86
Tefleservice, first day of issue 7, 9
New Postmarking Machines 86
Postmarks, 1976-1977 86, 87
Savigsivik, PO and Postmarks 86
Sdr. Strømfjord, Postmarks 86
Voyage of the "Sea Breeze"
(S. W. Greenland 1970) 23, 26, 27
Groen, G. W. 33
Hackett, Bill 30, 31, 77
Halley Bay (Base Z) 79
Handley, Rev. A. E. 37
Heard Island 2, 4, 26, 54
Heitler, Erwin 16-21, 56-59
Helm, A. S. 61
Herschel Island, Ref, No, 91
Historic Huts Restoration
Project 1974 Ross Island 6, 8, 10, 23, 25
Hoshiai, Dr. Takao, (JARE 16) 23, 24
Hunt, Charles W. 31
Hut Point 6, 10, 23, 25
Inaccessible Island (Tristan da Cunha) 32 - 46B
Antarctic Whaling Covers 3, 5, 23, 24
Cover Offers 3, 5, 23, 24, 56,
58, 59
"Fuji" (Icebreaker) cover 3, 5, 61, 65
J A R E 11 56
Syowa Base 3, 5, 23, 24, 56,
58, 59
Joint Services Expd.
to Elephant Island, 1976/77 10,11
Joint Services Expd. To
Liverpool Land, East Greenland, 1977 86, 87
Julianehaab, Greenland 26, 86, 87
Kerguelen Islands, (TAAF) 2, 4, 23, 24, 54,
55, 68-77
Laurie Island, FIDS Base 'C' 22, 27
Lawrence, Rev. C. P. 37
Lealman, Herbert 29, 31
Leppard, R. J. B. 12, 29, 31, 77
Lloyd, Sgt. Tom, RAF 10, 11
Lockheed Aircraft Company 47
3 Polar Post Index 1977 (Volume 9)
Mackay and Crabb 33
Magazines and Periodicals
"Australian Philatelic Bulletin" 1
"Ice Cap News" (ASPP) 45
"National Geographic Magazine" 45
"Navy News" 88
"Sheffield Iris" 32
"Stamp Collecting" 33, 44, 45
"Stamp Magazine" 45, 46
"The Times" 6
"Upland Goose" 80
March, Victor, (Bogus Frank) 13, 37
Marion Island 9, 16 - 21
Mauritius (and TAAF) 68-76
Medical Research Council
(Tristan da Cunha) 32
Messageries Maritimes 68-76
Meyer, Capt. J. (1857) 54
Milner, Roy B, 31
Milner, Lieut. William, RN. 32
Mirny Base, (USSR) 9
Munich, Polar Exhibition 1977 92
Naunton, Donald B: 31, 77
Newfoundland Railways 3
New Zealand
Antarctic Division 47
Post Office 33
RNZAF, 40 Squadron 10, 62, 64
New Zealand Antarctic Society 6, 8, 10, 23, 25
Nightingale Island (Tristan da Cunha) 32 - 46B
Niva, Martin, Swedish Postman 63
Polarfilex, Tromsø 15
Operation Ice Cube 11, 1975/76 62, 64
Operation Ice Cube 12, 1976/77 10
Page, W. A. 13, 78
Paquebot Markings (TAAF) 68-76
Partridge, Rev, A. G. 35
Penguin Parade, Philip Island, Australia 1
Pitcairn Island 33
Polar Activities of the Services 10, 11
Polar Exhibition, BPE 30
Polarfilex, Tromsø 15
Polar Philately, ref. to covers 29
Polar Postal History Society, GB
Auctions 11
Cover Offers 2-9, 22-28, 60-67
Editor, address change 1
Exchange Packet Report 1976 12
JSE Elephant Island Group covers 11
Jubilee Year 30, 31, 90
Library 29
Polar Post Notes 1, 30, 31, 85
Polar Post, ref. to 45
Secretary’s Accounts 1976 29
Secretary's Report 1976 28, 29
Secretary, 25 years review 77
Port Stanley, (F. I.) 3
QSL's, Radio Contact
Acknowledgement Cards 16-21, 56-59
Radio Contact Acknowledgement
CardsQSL's 16-21, 56-59
Reibnitz von, Capt, (1874) 54
Red Bucket Mail, ref. to 44
Repetto, Willie 36
Rosing, Jens (stamp designer) 9
Ross Dependency, (NZ)
"Historic Huts Restoration
Project 1974" 6, 8, 23, 25
"Operation Ice Cube 11", 1975/76 62, 64
"Operation Ice Cube 12", 1976/77 10
Postage Rate increases, 1977 85
Special handstamp, 20th Anniv. 1977 84, 85
Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1957/58 61, 62, 66
Vanda Station 6, 8
Rothera Point, Adelaide Island, Base R 79, 84
Russia ARAKS Joint French Project 72
Schleinitz, Baron von (1874) 54
Schrader, Dr. K. (1882) 55
Scott Base, (NZ) 6, 8, 61, 62, 64,
Scottish National Antarctic Expd. 22
Sdr. Stromfjord 86
Sessions, Lt. M. P. N., RN 86
Shackleton, Lord 88
Shackleton-Rowett Antarctic Expd. 1921 88, 89
"Sheffield Iris" 32
AES, MV 82
Akademik Kurbatov, USSR 44
Amelia, Schooner 82
Arethusa, HMS 44
Arkona 54
Atlantic Isle, HMS 36
Atlantis, RMS 36
Bahia Aguirre, ARA 60
Black Hawk, Mail Schooner 82
Boissevain, MV 41
Bornholme, MV 41
Bransfield, RRS 2, 4, 22, 23, 61,
67, 90
Brazil, SS 44
Carlisle, HMS 35, 36, 44
Carnarvon Castle 13, 36
Chusan 44
Clan MacMillan 36
Darwin, MV 82
Deutschland 92
Discovery, (1776) 23, 24
Discovery, USS 44
Duchess of Athol 35
Endeavour, HMNZS 61
Endurance, HMS 10, 11, 79, 90
Eskimo, HMS 85
Fairy, Mail Schooner 82
Falkland, SS 82
Fitzroy, SS 3, 22, 82
Fleurus 82
Foam, Mail Schooner 82
Forest Hill, SS 44
Francis Repetto, MV 41
Fuji, Icebreaker 3, 5, 61, 65
Gallieni, SS 68
Gauss 54, 55
4 Polar Post Index 1977 (Volume 9)
Ships continued:
Gazelle 54
Gemini, MV 83
Gillian Gaggins, MV 41
Grohland, (Sealer?) 54
Gronland, MS 7, 9
Hebe 82
Hilary, MV 41
Jaguar, HMS 44, 85
Jeanne d'Arc 44
John Biscoe, RRS 22, 84, 90
Lafonia 82
La Rochelle 54
Leopard, HMS 39, 43, 78
Lindblad Explorer, MS 90
London, HMS 44, 85
Lyra, MV, trawler 83
Maria Martinez, fishing boat 44
Marie 55, 88
Marion Dufresne, MV 68-76
Melodie, MV 41
Memphis 82
Merak-N 82
Moltke, SMS 55, 88
Naiad, HMS 85
Nanok S, MS 28
Nautilus 82
Nisshin Maru No 3, whaler 3, 5, 23, 24
Oravia, RMS 82
Patanela, (ref.) 4
Pentam, whaler 33
Piloto Pardo, icebreaker 60
P. P. Leintur, Chile 61
Protector, HMS 44
Puma, HMS 37, 44
Quest 88, 89
Resolution 23, 24
Rig Mate, Norwegian/Italian 56
Rotterdam 44
Royal Arthur, HMS 14
RSA, MV 9, 62, 65
Sea Breeze 26, 27
Seringa, whaler 35
Shackleton, RRS 60
Soumen Joukson 36
Soya Maru 56, 59
Speigel Grove, USS 44
Svendborg, MS 62
Tarbarness, HMS 44
Terra Nova, ref. to 6
Thrush, HMS 33
Tide Flow, HMS 44
Transvaal, SAS 78
Trepassey, MV 2, 22
Tristania, MV 41
Tristania II, MV 41
Valdiva 55
Viceroy of India 36
Vistafjord 44
Walter Herwig, RV 90
Signy Island, (Base H) 2, 22
Smith, Kenneth J. 6
Sondhelm, Sonia 86, 87
Sondhelm, W. S. 88, 90
South Africa 9, 16-21, 23, 62,
South Africa and Tristan da Cunha 32-46B
South African National Antarctic
Expd. (S. A. N. A. E.) 16-21, 23
South African National Antarctic
Expd. Borga, field station 16, 18
South Georgia
Auction Realisations 14, 88
Cover offers 23, 62, 66
Definitive reprints 83
Different date stamps in use, 1977 83, 84
Discovery issue 83, 90
Falkland Islands stamps used at 88
Franking error, 1976/77 90
German Antarctic Research
Expd. 1976 90
German International Polar
Year Expd. 1882/83 55, 88
German South Polar Expd.1911/12 ref. 92
Mid-Winter mail to 83
New postal rates, 1976 15, 84
Notes 88 - 90
2½p (1977), premature release 83
Registration Label, new type 90
Shackleton, Lord 88
Shackleton – Rowett
Antarctic Expd. 1921/22 88
Silver Jubilee Issue 83, 84, 90
Specimen Stamps 90
Tristan da Cunha, ref, to 33, 35, 42
South Indian Ocean Expd.,
Heard Island, 1964/65, ref. to 2, 4, 26
South Shetlands
Auction Realisations 14
Italian Expedition 1975 56, 57
South Orkneys 22, 27, 54
Spafford, Major R. 80
Speed, C. P. Andrews 61
Spitsbergen Polarfilex covers 15
St. Helena 32
Stonington Island (Base E) 3
Styles, Dudley C. 13, 14, 30, 31
Cover offers 9, 28, 63
Malmberget Ski Championship,
Pictorial cancellation 7, 9
Ritsem, Post Place 28
Rural delivery postman 63
Stora Stofallet (Great Falls)
National Park, 35 ore, issue 28
Universal Postal Union
Centenary issue 63
Sweeny, Capt. T. A. (US) 50, 53
Sylvester, Gordon 6
Syowa Base (Japan) 3, 5, 23, 24
T. A. A. F., see French Southern and Antarctic Territory
Thule, Greenland 86
Tierra del Fuego, Expd, to, 1976/77 61, 67
Tilman, Major H. W. 26, 27
Trans-Antarctic Expd. 1957/58 61, 62, 66, 77
Transit of Venus Expd. (1874) 54
5 Polar Post Index 1977 (Volume 9)
Tristan da Cunha
Auction Realisations 14
Bogus frank, ref. 13
Cachets, various listed 44
Challenger Expd. 1873, ref. 39
Compassionate Mail 33
Gough Island, ref, to 20, 32, 39
Hand Stamps, illustrations 34
Norwegian Expd. 1937/38, ref. to 39, 78
Postage Due 38, 46B
Postage Dues, 1976 13, 14
Postal History 32-46B
Potato Essay 37
Propagation of the Gospel
in Foreign Parts 33
Publications associated with Tristan 44-46
Registration Labels, illustrations 46A
"Royal Arthur", HMS, Ship query 14
Royal Society Expd., ref. to 41, 78
Ships Crests, new issue 1977 85
Tombstone censor mark 13
'Tristan Cover with a Story' 78
"Tristan Notes" 13, 14
Tristao d'Acunha, Admiral 32
United States
'Dome C', aircraft recovery 47-54
US Naval Air Rework Facility 47
VXE-6 Squadron 47-54
Vanda Station, (NZ) 6, 8
Vahsel Bay 92
Vahsel, Reichardt 92
Vogel, Hal 47-54
Weineck, Dr. (1874) 54
Weston, H. Edgar 13, 37
"Nisshin Maru No. 3" 3, 5, 23, 24
"Pentam", whaler 33
"Seringa", whaler 35
South Georgia, ref. to 88
White, Capt. 22
Wickham, George 11, 29, 31
Wiencke Island 56
Wilkes Land, (Dome C) 47-54
Wilson, J. I. 88
Wood, Peter 61
Woodall, Robert G. 91
Woolley, E. J. S. (Censor) 36
Yokosuka Kanagana, Japan 3, 5
Yoshino, Dr. Takeo 56

INDEX TO VOLUME 10 OF POLAR POST, As a result of an oversight by the editor the numbering of the pages of these three
issues is rather confusing. The index has been compiled according to the page numbers recorded below. Members may wish to amend
the actual numbers on their copies of Polar Post to conform.
Vol. 10, No, 2, Whole No, 98, commences with the Title Page numbered 16, Page 2 is 17 and so on to Page 18 which should be
numbered 43.
Vol, 10, No, 3, Whole No, 99, is correctly numbered, although numbers have been added to the pages which carry illustrations, as
Illustrations between Pages 44 & 45 are numbered 44a, 44b. Illustrations between Pages 48 & 49 are numbered 48a, 48b.
Illustrations between Pages 52 & 53 are numbered 52a, 52b, 52c, 52d. Illustrations AFTER Page 61 are numbered 61a, 61b.
Index: Volume 10, 1978
Whole Numbers: 97, 98, 99.
Compiled by: J. A. FINLAY
ACV 03, Hovercraft 48-51
Admiralty Bay, ref, to 44
"Aeroarctic” 18, 19
C-124, USAF 49
C-133, USAF, to Alaska 48
Cessna 10
Fokker F-27 11
"Graf Zeppelin", airship 18, 19
Helicopter, Mark IX 32, 40, 41
Hercules, RAF Support Command 32, 40
Hovercraft, USCG 48-51
Alaska, Point Barrow 48
Alert 25
American Society of Polar
Philatelists, (ASPP) 14, 25, 57
Anderson, Ian, Tristan Postmaster 22
Andrews, E. J. 17
Antarctica, A new name on the map of 44
Antarctic Headscarf (Japanese) 2, 47
Antarctic Newsreel 9-13, 45, 46
Arctic Canadian Post Offices 25, 26
Arctic, International Society
for the Exploration of 18
Arctic Mail, carried by "Graf Zeppelin" 19
Arctic Supply 7, 8, 36, 37, 52,
Arctowski Base, Poland 44
Arctowski, Henryk 44
Ascension Island, Prof. Gill, FDC 51, 52b
Leslie Cauvin Estate 61
Perkin Sale, 1949 53
Postiljonen AB, 1978, Greenland 60, 61, 61b
Tristan da Cunha, 1978 55, 58, 59
Audun, 'O. M.' 46, 47
Auricosta, mining camp 31
Australian Antarctic Territory
Casey Base, cover 31, 33
Davis Base, cover 52, 52b
Stamp Tips, (Stamp Collecting) 42
Barber, Geoffrey 9-13, 45, 46
Barnes, Robert 14
Barton, Malcolm D. 14
Beaulier, Mile. 27
Belgian Antarctic Expd.1897/99, ref. 44
Bellingshausen Base, USSR 44
Bloom, George 22
Bolland, Lieut. Benoit 28
Books & Catalogues
"Arctic Postmarks" (Phil Cove) 25
"Graf Zeppelin", (J. Gordon Veeth) 19
"15,000 Miles in a Ketch",
(Rollier du Baty) 30
"Nine Months Residence in
New Zealand", (Augustus Earle) 30
"Postal History of the Yukon Territory,
Canada", (R. G. Woodall) 15, 17, 25
"Postiljonen AB, sale catalogue",
(Greenland) 60
"Sieger-Zeppelin Post Katalog" 19
"Tristan da Cunha, the Isle of
Loneliness", (Rev. A. G. Partridge) 30, 55, 56
"Voyage of the 'Pourquoi Pas?'"
(J. B. Charcot) 27, 28
"The Zeppelin Story", (Thos Nielsen) 19
Bouvet Island 47, 48a, 48b, 54
Britannia, HM Royal Yacht
(forged cover, 1971) 23, 24
British Antarctic Territory
Coronation Anniv. issue 1978 9
Cover Offers 3- 8, 31 - 41, 52,
Definitives, Explorers new printings 9, 45
Definitives, £1 value reprint differences 45, 46
Halley Bay (Base Z) 33, 36, 52, 52a
Joint Services Expedition,
Elephant Island 1970/71 31, 32, 34, 40, 41
Penguins, new issue Nov. 1978 46
Pictorial handstamp, possibility 9
Registration Envelope, dual
validity 1978 44a, 46
Signy Island, (Base H) 32, 33, 36, 41, 46
Stamp Tips (Stamp Collecting) 42
Watermarked paper changes,
shortages ref, to 42, 46
Brown, T. G. 17, 20-23, 55-57
Bullock, Gerry 15, 17, 20, 21, 55,
Bunger Hills, Queen Maud Land 44
Burley, Comdr. Malcolm K., MBE RN 31, 32
Caird Coast 33, 36, 52, 52a
Calder, A, J., Tristan postmaster 22
Page 2 Polar Post Index 1978 (Volume 10)
Alert 25
Arctic Comment 25, 26
"Postal History of the Yukon
Territory", ref. 15, 17, 25
Canel, Capt. Pierre 34, 39
Cape Pembroke 10, 11
Carmen Sylva, mining camp 31
Carmichael, D, 20
Carnegie Institute of Terrestrial
Magnetism, Washington 19
Cartwright, George 20
Cauvin, Leslie, estate auction 61
Chaigneau, Chilean Governor 28
Chapman, Kenneth F, 14
Charcot, Jean-Baptiste 27, 28, 29
Charcot Land 27
Charcots "Why Not?" Label 27-29
City Stamp Auctions, Australia 61
Colonia Popper, mining camp 31
Coronation Anniversary, uncut min. sheets 11
Cove, Phil 25, 26
Crabb, George 17, 21, 55
Crawford, Allan 2, 14, 17, 21, 47
Crown Agents 9-11, 20, 22, 45,
Crozet, S. L. 27
Curley, Walter 19
Cutler, Anthony 17
Davidson, Boetie 23, 24, 55
Deception Island, ref. to 27, 28
De la Rue, Colombia S.A. ref. to 45
Dent Correspondence, Tristan da Cunha 55, 58, 59, 61a
Dobrowolski Base, Poland 44
Dry Valley Drilling Project, (DVDP) 52, 52d
Dumont D"Urville, Terre Adélie 3, 4
Eastern Arctic Patrol 29, 30
Eckener, c. 1930 18
Elephant Island 31, 32, 40, 41
Ellsworth, Lincoln 18
El Paramo, mining camp 31
Erasmus, H, (RSA) 5, 6
Evans, H. E. J. 14, 15, 27, 51, 56
Fails, Maurice F, 18, 19
Falkland Islands
Aerogramme A4/2, 2nd printing 9
Aerogramme, Ship facsimile 1978 9
Aquila Airways Anniversary
issue 1978 9, 13
Awards at BPE 14
Cachet defaced 10
Coronation Anniversary issue 1978 9
Definitives, Ships 1978 9
Falkland Islands Co. 52, 52a
Falkland Is., first postage stamp
Centenary issue 1978 9
Flight cachet, triple ring, 1977 10, 11
First Flight,
Cape Pembroke/Port Stanley 10, 11
Jeppensen Heaton Ltd. 52, 52a
New Island P. C. (1914) 17
Picture Postcards, proposed catalogue 54
Falkland Islands contniued
Post Card, MV 'Monsunen' 52, 52a
Registration Envelope, dual validity 44a, 46
Silver jubilee booklet, 1977 10
Stamps used at South Georgia 53, 54
Stanley Airport, official
opening issue, 1978 9
Whaling covers, ref, to 17
Falkland Islands Dependencies
Halley Bay (Base Z) 3, 4
Picture Postcards, proposed catalogue 54
Stamp Tips, ("Stamp Collecting") 42
Fallieres Land 27
Faulds, Michael 20
Forbes, Capt. (RN), ref. 14
Franz Joseph Land 19
French Southern & Antarctic Territory,
Anniversary of the Foundation
of Expeditions, (1947-1977) 3, 4
Dumont D'Urville, cover 3, 4
Kerguelen, Telemesure FDC 35, 36
Polaires Françaises, 1947-1977 cover 3, 4
Stamps recommended ("Watchman") 61
Friedrichshafen 18
Frobisher Bay 25, 26
Fuchs, Peter, ref. 17
Fuchs, Sir Vivian, FRS, ref. 17
Gane, Douglas 55
Garbutt, G, R. 14, 15, 16, 44
Gass, Dr. I. G, 21, 27
Gauss, Carl Frederick 3,4
"Polar/Fahrt 1931", issue 18
Polarinfo, news-sheet 43
Germany and Colonies Philatelic Society 18, 19
Germany, (East)
C. F. Gauss Anniversary issue, 1977 3, 4
Germany, (West)
Fishing Research Vessel
"Walther Herwig" 12
Tourist Ship, "World Discoverer" 12,13
Gibbons, Stanley, auction 55, 58, 59
Gill, Prof., ref. 51, 52b
Glass, Emma, Frank, Joe, Mabel, Thomas 59
Gough Island Expd. 1956 21, 56
Gourdon, E, 27, 28
Graf Zeppelin mail lists 19
"Graf Zeppelin", 1931 Polar Flight 18, 19
Green, Mrs. Charlie 58, 59, 61a
Angmagssalik 52, 52c
Arctic Supply 1972 36, 37, 52, 52c
Arctic Supply 1973 7, 8
Christmas in Greenland, postmark 7, 8
Cover Offers 7, 8, 36, 37, 42,
52, 52c
Danish Adressebrevs 61, 61b
Eskimo Mask, issue 1977, F. D. C. 52,52c
Greenland Notes 60, 61
Heimaey issue, 1973 60
Holsteinborg cancellation 37, 42
Jacobshavn, earliest known cover 60
Kleinschmidt, Samuel, issue 60
Page 3 Polar Post Index 1978 (Volume 10)
Greenland (continued)
Legoland A/S, postmark 52, 52c
Narwhal, FDC 1975 37, 42
Pakke Porto, at auction 60, 61, 61b
Postiljonen AB, auction 60
Pre-Stamp covers at auction 60
Queen Margrethe issue 1978 60
Scoresbysund 50th Anniv. 1974 37, 42
Sdr. Strømfjord, P/M 52, 52c
Stamp Tips, (Stamp Collecting) 42
Sport in Greenland issue 1976 7
Sukkertoppen 60
Thule, and QSLs 30
Udsteder, cancellation at auction 60
Upernavik, P/M 37, 42
Grise Fiord 25, 26
Hackett, Bill 15
Hagan, Mrs. Susan & Mrs. D. 59, 61a
Halley Bay, (Base Z) 3, 4, 33, 36, 51,
52, 52a
Halley, Edmund, ref. 51, 52b
Ham Radio Enthusiasts, ref. 30
Ham Radio Link-up, Norwegian
Antarctic Expd, 1977 46, 47
Harmer, H. R, 53
Harris, G. F., Tristan postmaster 21
Hayes, Harry, Publisher 17
Hearst, William Randolph 18
Heitler, Erwin 46, 47
"Help!" column 30, 54
Heyburn, Henry R. 54
Hilton, Tony 19
History of the Stamps of South Georgia 53, 54
Holsteinborg, Greenland 37, 42
Hookers Point, FI 10
Hover Cover No. 10 48-51
Hovercraft, USCG, ACV 03 48-51
Hunt, Charles 14
Hunting Aerosurveys Ltd. 31
Hurst, C, & Co. Ltd., publishers 27
Hurt, E. F. 27
IADE, Argentine Airline 10, 11
"International Society for the Exploration
of the Arctic" 18,19
'In the Market Place' 42, 61
Inuvik 25, 26
Antarctic Whaling covers 5, 6, 33, 36, 52,
Chiba Technical Institute 36
Cover Offers 5, 6, 33, 36, 52,
Dry Valley Drilling Project, US cover 52, 52d
Headscarf, Antarctic motif 2, 47
Japanese National Institute
of Polar Research 6
Japanese Polar Research Association 36
Ross Dependency, Dry Valleys
Research 36, 38
Syowa Base 5, 6
Jeppensen Heaton Ltd., F. I. 52, 52a
John, 'O. M.' 46, 47
Joint Services Expd, Elephant Is. 1970/71 31, 32, 34, 40, 41
Jordan, A. R. 18, 19
Julianehab 7
Kalaallit Nuaat, (Greenland) 60, 61
Kemp, Fl/Lt. W. J., RAF 32, 40
Kidd, Juan H. et cia, printers 31
King Edward VII Land 27
Kiruna, Sweden 34, 39
Koesling, Max 43
Kusunoki, Dr. Kou 5, 6
Last, Barbara 17
Lawson Correspondence, South Georgia 53, 54
Laverello, Mrs. Gaetano 59
Laverello, Mrs. Mabel 59
Laverello, Mrs. Percy 58
Laverello, Mrs. William 58, 61a
Leppard, R. J.B. 2, 14
Local Posts, Tierra del Fuego 31, 33
Lowe, Lt. Cdr. RN 32, 40, 41
Lukas, Bernd 43
Mackay and Crabb 20, 21, 55
Mackinac Island 49
Magazines and Periodicals
"Der Polar Philatelist" 43
“Germania" 18, 19
"The Guardian" 21
"Ice Cap News" 20, 21
"Philatelic Magazine" 14, 20
"Polarinfo" 43
"SPA Journal" 19
"South African Philatelist" 24
"St. Helena Newsletter" 22
"Stamp Collecting" 14, 20, 21, 42, 61
"Sunday Telegraph Magazine" 9
"Upland Goose" 15, 17
"USCG ACV Evaluation Report
EU 3960-01/02" 1971/72 48-51
Magellan Whaling Company 27, 28
Mallia, R. J. 27-29
Mammal Research Project, Marion Island 5, 6
Marguerite Bay 27
Marion Island 5, 6
"Maritime Mail, London" 32
Massy, A. J. P. 30
McCann, Dr. Peter 14, 17, 21
McMurdo Station, US 52, 52d
Molschanoff, Prof. P. A. 18
Moore, Ken 17
Morgensen, Palle 36, 38
Nansen, Fridtjof 18
Narssaq 7, 8
"Nautilus", Submarine 18
Nobile, Umberto 19
"Norge" Expd, 1926, ref, 18
North Cape 34, 39
Antarctic Expd, 1956/59 46, 48b
Antarctic Expd, 1977, Ham Radio
Link Up 46, 47
Antarctic Expd, 1978/79 54
Norsk Polarinstitutt 54
Page 4 Polar Post Index 1978 (Volume 10)
Norway continued
North Cape Cruise 34, 39
Spitsbergen Cruise 34, 39
Oasis Base, USSR, 44
Operation Deep Freeze 38
Ott, Russell, (ASPP) 14, 17
Page, D. 14
Pakke Porto Stamps, Greenland 60, 61, 61b
Partridge, Rev. A. G. 30, 55, 56
Pitaluga, Capt. 10
"Piracy on the High Seas" 23, 24
Pirie, Dr. J. H. 27
Point Barrow, Alaska 48
Arctowski Base 44
Dobrowolski Base 44
Krill Research 44, 44a, 44b
Research Ships, Antarctica 44, 44a, 44b
Ship Post Office 44, 44b
Polarinfo, German news-sheet 43
Polar Philatelist, Der, ref. 43
Polar Postal History Society of GB
Anniversary, 25th, (Meeting Report) 14, 15
Auction Superintendent 54
Back Issues 43, 44
Cover Offers 3-8, 31-42,
Displays by members at
BPE & Stampex 14, 17
Editors Notes 15, 16, 51
Exchange Packet Report 1977 2, 17
"Help," Column 30, 54
Polar Post 14, 15
Presentation to H. E. J. Evans 14
Secretary's Accounts, 1977 1
Secretary, letter from 15
Society Autumn Meeting, 1978 30, 51
Society Officers 43, 47
Society Spring Meeting, 1978 17, 18
Pole Station (US), I. G. Y. cover 36, 38
Popper, Julius, private posts 31
"Pourquoi Pas?" 27-29
Pretoria, Univ., Mammal Research Project 5, 6
Punta Arenas, p/m, 1909 27, 31
QSLs, (Radio Acknowledgement cards) 29, 30, 46, 47,
48a, 48b
Queen Maud Land 46, 48b, 54
Radio Contact Acknowledgement
Cards, (QSLs) 29, 30, 46, 47,
48a, 48b
Rakusa-Susczewski, Prof. S. 44
Raymond, Commdr. J. E. S., RN 24
Repetto, Mrs, Arthur 58, 59, 61a
Repetto, Robert 58
Repetto, Willie, MBE 36, 38
Rhoades, Rendell 27
Rhodes University, (RSA) 6
Richards, Christopher, J. 48-51
Rio Grande, Gold mining camp 31
Rogers, Mrs. Arthur 58
Rogers, Mrs. Jack 59
Rogers, Tom 58
Rose, John, American whaler 20
Rosing, Jens, designer 37, 42
Ross Dependency
Japanese Dry Valleys Research 36, 38
Stamp Tips, (Stamp Collecting) 42
Royal Navy Historical Branch 56
Rusch, Robert E. 21
Bellingshausen Base 44
"Graf Zeppelin", 1931 Flight 18, 19
"Malygin", icebreaker 19
Novaya Zemlya 19
Oasis Base, 1956 44
Polar Flight 1931, issue 18
Siberia, ref. 19
Samoilovich, Prof. R. L. 18
Sanikiluag, Belcher Is. 25, 26
San Sebastian, gold mining camp 31
Scoresbysund 7, 37, 42
Scott Base Base, N. Z. 36, 38
Sdr. Strømfjord 7, 8, 52, 52c
Shackleton, Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expd. 31
Sheldrake, Harry 14
Shelton, Doug., ASPP 57
Allenshaw, c. 1893 20
Anatolia, Germany 55, 57, 59
Anna Johanne, MS 52, 52c
Aso Maru, Whaling ship 5, 6
Atlantis, RMS 56
Auditor 57
Author 55, 56, 58
Baron Tweedsmouth 56
Boissevain, MV 59
Bransfield, RRS 3, 4, 6, 33, 36, 52,
Brisbane, HMAS 56
Britannia, H, M, Royal Yacht 23, 24
Canada, RMS 30
Cap Piler 57
Carinthia 56, 57, 59
Carlisle, HMS 55-59
Carnarvon Castle 57, 59
Caronia, RMS 21
Commandant Charcot 3, 4
Dalmor, RV 44
Dartmouth, HMS 58
Discovery, RRS 35, 36
Discovery II, RRS 35, 36, 55, 56
Duchess of Athlone 20
Duchess of Athol 55, 56, 58
Duchess of Richmond 56
Edith Nielsen, MS 7, 8
Empress of Australia 57
Empress of Canada, C. P. R. 56
Empress of France 58
Endurance, HMS 32, 34, 40, 41, 52,
52d, 56
Endurance, SY 31
Franconia 56, 57
Gauss 3, 4
Garnuszewski, MS 44
Glacier, USS 29, 30
Gobernador Bories, whaler 27
Page 5 Polar Post Index 1978 (Volume 10)
Ships continued
Halesius 55, 56, 58
Harmala 55, 57, 59
Inesmoor, MV 55, 57, 59
John Biscoe, RRS 33, 34, 36, 46
Joseph Conrad, barque 57
King William, MV 55, 56
Malygin, icebreaker 19
Manilla Maru 55, 56
Mercator 57
Mexico, (Danish) 56
Milford, HMS 57
Monsunen, (Danish), c. 1930 55, 56, 58
Monsunen, MV 52, 52a
Nanok, MS 7
Nautilus, submarine 18
Nella Dan, MS 7, 8
Nisshin Maru No. 3 whaler 52, 52a
Pendennis Castle 56
Polarsirkel, MV 47
Ponape, sailing ship 20, 55, 56
Pourquoi Pas? 27-29
Professor Bogucki, RV 44, 44a
Professor Siedlecki, RV 44, 44b
Protector, HMS 14
Puma, HMS 59
Queen of Bermuda 57
Queen Elizabeth II 56
Renaissance 34, 39
RSA, MV 5, 6
Sagitta, RV 44
Saima Dan, MS 36, 37
Sandefjord, schooner 55, 57, 59
Seringa, whaler 56
Submarine K VIII, (Dutch) 55, 57
Sundew, USCGC 50
Suomen Joutsen (Finland) 57, 59
Suveric 56
Svendborg, MS 7
Sylvia de Larrinaga 55, 57, 59
Telefon 28
Thala Dan, MS 3, 4
Thorshammer, (Norway) 57
Tideflow, RFA (?) 22
Tidereach, RFA (?) 22
Tonan Maru No. 2, whaler 33, 36
Tristania 21
Tymeric End 56
Viceroy of India 57
Walter Herwig, fishing research
vessel 12
William Scoresby, RRS 35, 36
World Discoverer, MS, tourist ship 12, 13
Yarmouth, HMS 58
Signy Island, Base H 9, 32, 33, 34, 36,
40, 41, 46
Signy Island, postmark error 33, 36
Simonstown, Tristan cover 1895 20
Smith, Lt. Comdr. E. H., "Iceberg" 18
Smith, Capt. William, (1820) 31
Society of Philatelic Americans, ref. 19
SOJEX '79, Atlantic City 57
Sondhelm, Sonia 14, 60, 61
Sondhelm,Walter 14, 53, 54
Soucup, R., designer 31
South Africa
Cape Town, paquebot 44, 44a
Mammal Research Project,
Univ. of Pretoria 5, 6
Marion Island 5, 6
South Atlantic Ionosphere Research,
Marion Island 5, 6
South Georgia
"Bransfield", RRS cover 8
Capt. Cook, Anniv. New issue forecast 46
Cover Offers 6, 8, 35, 36, 52,
Definitive reprints 11, 45
De La Rue, Colombia, ref. 45
Discovery Investigations FDC 1976 35, 36
Essay for proposed issue, 1911, ref. 53
History of the Stamps of South Georgia 53, 54
Incorrect Ship Cachet 6, 8
New Definitives forecast 11
Overprint, Official 1928 54
Overprint, Unofficial, (c. 1909) 54
Registration Envelope, duel validity 44a, 46
Spiral watermark definitives, 1977/78 45
Underprint, 1909 53, 54
"Walter Herwig", Research vessel 12
Watermark paper changes,
shortages referred to 42
Spafford, Major R. N. 15, 17
Spitsbergen 34, 39
St. Helena, FDC Halley's visit 51, 52b
St. Ignace, C. G. Station, US. 49
St. Martin's Light, Michigan 49
Stampex, ref. 15, 17, 22
Stamp Publicity (Worthing) Ltd. 32
Strange, Mr. 17
Sturges, J. 54
Styles, Dudley 14, 17
Submarine, KVIII, Tristan visit 55
Sukkertoppen, Greenland 60
Swain, Mrs. Fred & Mrs. George 59
Swain, Mrs. Susan 58
Gotland, (Island) 18
Kiruna, special p/m 34, 39
Swedish Hydrographic Office 18
Vittangi, postmark 7
Syowa Base, (Japan) 5, 6
TAAF, see French Southern
& Antarctic Territory
Tierra del Fuego, local post 31, 33
Toulouse, Polar Philatelic Exhibition 3, 4
Torii, Dr. Tetsuya 36, 38
Tristan da Cunha
Additions and Corrections,
Postal History of 20-23
Air letters, 1953/55 17
Air letter, overprints 1971, forgery ref. 17, 21
Churchill airletter 21
Coronation Anniv. Uncut Min, sheets 11, 22
Cover, 31st March, 1895 20
Date Stamps, circular, in use 1952/61 20
Definitive issue 1971, comment 21
Dent Correspondence, Auction 55, 58, 59, 61a
Page 6 Polar Post Index 1978 (Volume 10)
Tristan da Cunha continued
Forged cover 1971, HM
Royal Yacht 'Britannia' 23, 24
Freedom from Hunger, signed FDC 36, 38
Gough Island Expd. 1956, ref. 21, 56
Letter dated 29th Oct. 1843 20
Postage Due Labels 1976 20
Postcard, via Singapore 1934 20, 23
Postmasters, ref. 21, 22
Red Cross issue, 1964 5, 7
Registration numbers in manuscript 21
"Resettlement Cachet" (?) 21
Royal Society Expd., ref. 21
Ship covers, c. 1950's ref. 21
Ship visits, doubt cast 56
Ship visits list, 1927/40 56, 57
Silver Jubilee, Emergency Surcharges 10, 22, 56
Silver Jubilee, Emergency
Surcharges, market demand 10, 11
Silver Jubilee, overprints queried 22
Silver Jubilee issue 1935,
overprint query 55
Stamp Tips, ("Stamp Collecting") 42
Tristan Books, request for 30
Tristan Notes 55-57
World Cup issue 1966, F. D. C. 52, 52d
Trotter, J. G. 30
Underprint 1909, at South Georgia 53, 54
Ungava, Quebec 25, 26
United States of America
Advanced Research Projects Agency,
(ARPA) 48
Carnegie Institute of Terrestrial
Magnetism, Washington 19
McMurdo Station, DVDP 52, 52d
Naval Ship Research & Development
Agency, (NSRDC) 48
Pole Station, I. G. Y. cachet 36, 38
US Coast Guard, Hovercraft 48-51
Vanda Station, (NZ) 36, 38
Veeth, J. Gordon 19
Victoria Land 42, 61
Vine, P. M. 15, 17
Vittangi, (Sweden) 7
Vogel, Hal 57
Washington, Univ. of, ref. 48
"Watchman", (Stamp Collecting) 42, 61
Wellington, N. Z., packet boat cancel 44, 44b
Display of covers, PPHSGB 17
Factory ship at Tristan, ref. 57
"Gobernador Bories", factory ship 27
Japanese Factory Ships
"Aso Maru" 5, 6
"Nisshin Maru No. 3" 52, 52a
"Tonan Maru No. 2" 33, 36
John Rose, American Whaler 20
Magellan Whaling Company 27
Norwegian whaler at Tristan, ref. 57
"Seringa", whaler at Tristan 5 6
Whitehorse, Yukon Terr. 25, 26
"Why Not?", ("Pourquoi Pas?") 27-29
Wilde, Rev. Harold 58
Wilkins, Sir Hubert 18
Williams, Tony 20
Woodhall, R. G. 15, 17, 25
"World Discoverer", Tourist ship 12
Yellowknife 25, 26
Yukon Territory 25, 26
Zalewski, Dr. S. M. 44
Zeppelin Study Group

Index to Volume 11
Whole numbers: 100, 101, 102, 103.
March, June, September, December 1979
Compiled by: J. A. FINLAY
Acuna, Hugo S. 38
Adelaide Is. (Base T.) 3, 4, 97, 100
Admiralty Bay, (Base G.) 85, 94, 96
Boeing 707, Argentina 80, 95
Boeing 747, Quantas 73, 75
Beaver, Argentina 54
Catalina Flying Boats 38
Cessna 180 29
C 47, Argentina 54
DC3, Argentina 54
Graf Zeppelin, LZ-127, Polar Flight 15
Hercules, C 130 1, 2, 54, 80
Orion, P3B, RAAF 1, 2
Otter, DHC-3 29, 52, 54
Alert, N.W.T. 70, 76
American Society of Polar
Philatelists (ASPP) 14, 16, 41, 48, 63,
Amery Ice Shelf Project, ref. 89
Amundsen, Roald 28, 84
Anasir, E. S. 15
Andrew, Eddie 60
Antarctic Flights 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14,
54, 73, 75, 80, 95
Antarctic Notes 11, 48
Antarctic P. P. C. 1901, at auction 13
Antarctic Treaty, The International 91, 92
Anvers Island, ref. 28
Arctowski Base, (Poland) 29
Arctic Canada 10, 44, 45, 52, 70,
76, 84
Antarctic bases, historical notes 38, 39, 54, 55, 56
First Transpolar cargo flight- 80, 95
Argentinean Antarctic Bases
Bahea Esperanza 39, 56
Base Aerea Teniente Matienzo 54, 56
Base Aerea Vice Comodore Marambio 54, 80
Base Capitan Cobbett 55
Base Cientifica de Ejercito Sobral 54, 56
Base Conjunta Antartida Argentina 54
Base de Ejercito Esperanza 39
Base de Ejercito General Belgrano 39, 54, 56
Base de Ejercito Primavera 55
Base General San Martin 38, 39, 56
Destacamento Naval Almirante Brown 39, 56
Destacamento Naval Deception 38, 56
Destacamento Naval Melchior 38, 56
Estacion Aeronaval Petrel 54, 56
Estacion Cientifica Ellsworth 54, 56
Islas Orcades del Sur, 38, 56
Teniente Camara 39, 56
Argentine Islands, Base 'F', - Faraday
J. S. E. 1976/77 77
New cachets 63
New handstamps 24, 47, 48, 63, 97
"Protector", HMS 85
Silver Jubilee, F. D. C. 1977 97
Armstrong, Douglas, refs. 20, 81, 83
Aspland Island 75, 76, 77
Atkinson, Donald 70
Auckland Airport, N. Z. 3, 4
Auction realisations 12-14, 61-63,
77-79, 87-91
Capital Philatelic Auctions 61
City of London Philatelic Auctions Ltd. 61
City Stamp Auctions, Australia 9, 62, 88
Harmers of London 12, 85, 90
Laurie Franks Ltd. 63, 90
Leslie Cauvin collection 9
Mayo Sale 66, 93, 95
Rigby Philatelic Auctions 61, 87
Robert Rusch, (Dec'd), ASPP 48
Robson Lowe Ltd. 7, 8, 13, 14, 90,
Southeby's, New York 93, 94
Stanley Gibbons 40
Western Auctions Ltd. 88
Auction Roundabouts 87
Ault, J. P. 85
Antarctic Treaty 91
Auction realisations 88
Edinburgh, RAAF base 2
Phillip Island, cover (1974) 97, 100
RAAF Flights to McMurdo 1, 2
Tourist Antarctic Flight covers 73, 75, 88
Australian Antarctic Expd. 1911 13
Australian Antarctic Territory
Antarctic Treaty issues 91
Auction realisations 62, 89
Cover offers 17, 43
Macquarie Is., mail airdrops 1,2
Ships of the Antarctic, new issues 14
South Pole Flight, new issue 14
'Watchman Tips', Stamp Collecting 14
Autenboer, Tony Van 29, 35, 37
Ayre, John F., collection at auction 85
Baffin Island, ref. 10, 52, 84
Barber, Geoffrey 11, 48, 94
Barnes, Robert 26, 60
Barton, Malcolm 60
Bastin, Capt. Frank 29, 37
Bauer, Bill (APS) 25
Baylis, Capt. Jem, 77
Beccaria, Count Giorgio 60
Belgian Antarctic Activities 28-37
Page 2 Polar Post Index 1979 (Volume 11)
Belgian Antarctic Expd. 1897/99 28, 36
Antarctic commemorative postmarks 36
Antarctic miniature sheet, 1957,
at auction 12
Belgian/Dutch AntarcticExpd. 1964/67 29, 31, 34
History of Antarctic exploration 28-37
King Baudouin Base, 1957/67 29, 31, 36, 37
South African co-operation, 1967/70 29, 35
Stamps commemorating
Antarctic events 36
Bell, Graham 83
Bequet, Stamp designer 64
Bering, Vitus 84
Bishop, Flt. Lt. R. (RAAF) 2
Blaiklock, Ken 36
Blandy, Messrs. (Discovery agents) 13
Bogaerts, Winoc 29
Books & Catalogues
"The Antarctic Pilot"
(Hydrographic Dept, Admiralty) 7
"The Antarctic Problem"
(E. W. H. Christie) 7
"Arctic Postmarks" (Phil Cove) 70
"Crisis in Utopia" (P. Munch) 20
"Eskimo Folk-Tales"
(Knud Rasmussen) 58
"From Mount Everest to the
South Pole" (George Lowe) 16
"Greenland" (Michael Banks) 58
"Greenland by the Polar Sea"
(Knud Rasmussen) 58
"I Sailed with Rasmussen"(P. Freuchen) 58
"I Went to Tristan" (A. B. Crawford) 20, 42
"King Edward VII Land" (A. J. Sefi) 12
"Land under the Pole Star"
(Helge Ingstad) 58
"The People of the Polar North"
(Knud Rasmussen) 58
"The Poles" (Willy Ley) 58
"Der Polarpost Sammler"
Polar Catalogue (R. Heilbig) 15
"Postmarks of the Falkland Is.
Dependencies Survey Bases"
(A. G, Fisher) 94
"South African Antarctic Expeditions"
(Bernd Lukas) 99
"Ultima Thule"(Vilhjalmur Stefansson) 58
"The Voyage of the Challenger"
(Eric Linklater) 64
"Wal Hoo" (K. Kircheiss) 41
Bouvet Oya 13, 60, 98, 99,100
Brabant Island 28
Bradford, Dr. Janet 28
British Antarctic Expd. 1839/43,
letter at auction 7, 8
British Antarctic Expd. 1911/13 12, 13
British Antarctic Survey 3, 4, 11, 24, 76
British Antarctic Territory
Adelaide Is. (Base T) 3, 4, 97, 100
Antarctic Treaty 91
Argentine Is. (Base F) 24, 48, 63, 86, 97
Cachets, new 1978/79 48, 94
Cover Offers 17, 21, 43, 45, 73,
75, 97, 100
British Antarctic Territory continued
Halley Bay (Base Z) 17, 21, 43, 45, 48
Penguins, new issue 1979 11, 14
Postmarks, new 1978/79 47, 48
"Protector", HMS 85, 86
Rothera Point, Base R. 3, 4
Signy Island (Base H) 43, 45, 48, 73, 75,
Watermark changes, 1977/78 11, 59
£1 (1978) definitive reprint 59
1977 Silver Jubilee issue & cover 97
British Grahamland Expd, 1934/37 38
British Museum, ref. 76
Brown, Sub. Lt. (RN) 77
Brown, T. G. 20, 40-42, 66, 67,
93, 94
Bruce, W. S, ref. 38
Bullock, Gerry 19, 20, 26, 40, 41,
51, 60, 73, 94
Butler, J. ref. 20
Cabes, Lucien 29
Alert P. O. N. W. T. profile 70, 76
Auction, 1937 cover 88
Canadian Arctic, advent of man 84
Forces mail 70
Military Post Office 310 70
Pond Inlet, N, W, T., cover & profile 44, 45, 52
Postage rate increases 52
Shaw Steamship Co. 86
Canadian Arctic, The 10, 52, 70, 84
Campbell, Lt. Lord George 64
Cape Bird, Ross Dep. 28
Cape Town, D; F, Malan airport 3-5
Cape Town, Paquebot cancellation 3, 4, 52, 81-83, 86
Carse, Duncan, ref. 26
Cartwright, George Herbert (1895) 41, 42
Cauvin, Leslie, collection for auction 9
Charcot Expd. vignette at auction 13
Charles Dickens Centenary label on cover 13
Chiesa, Sgt. A. RAAF 2
Antarctic Treaty 91
Arturo Prat Base, ref. 30, 43
Cover offers 43
General Bernardo O'Higgins Base 43
Presidente Frei Base 43, 45
President Ugarte, Antarctic visit 43, 45
Chuter, Capt. John 77
Ciniera Gorza, Senor P. F, 16
Clarence Island 75-77
Clark, Ian 60
Clark, Jean 25
Cobbett, Captain (Base) 55
Cole, Cmdr. P. F. RN. 79
"Collingwood", HMS RN. 76
Connaughton, Air Commodore B. J. RAAF 2
Cook, Frederick 28
Corfield, H. S. A., censor 94
Cortassa, Capt. Gil. 44
Cotton, Cornelius, Tristan 18
Cove, Phil. 10, 52, 70, 84
Cox, Marion 6, 7
Coyne Bernie, ASPP 66
Page 3 Polar Post Index 1979 (Volume 11)
Crabb, George 66
Crawford, Allan B. 25, 42, 60, 64, 65,
66, 93
Crooks, Graham 71
Crown Agents 59, 66, 67, 80
Crozier, Capt. F. R. M. (1839/43) 7
Danco Coast 39, 55
Dancoland 28
Davidson, Dr. A. 83
Davies, Dr. Lewis 83
Davies, Lt. Nigel, RN. 77
Davis, Capt. J. K. (1911) 13
De Breuck, Dr. William 30
Deception Island 38, 85, 86, 88, 90
Dene people, (Indian) ref. 10
Greenland P. O's & stamps 6, 7, 57, 58, 69,
Derom, Major Guido, 29
Dobrowolski, Anton. 28
Dobrowolski Base (Polish) 29, 55, 65
Dollman, J. S. (artist) 71
Dumont D'Urville Base 17, 22, 98, 100
Duncan, Kelly 28
Drake Stamps 41, 42
Drewe, C. ref. 20
East, Capt. James (1880) 18
Elephant Island - Joint Services
Expd. 1976/77 73, 75-77
Ellesmere Island, ref. 10, 86
Elliott, H. (Tristan) 66
Ellsworth Station (U. S. A.) 54
Evans, H. E. J. (PPHSGB) 25, 26, 76, 77, 89
Explorers Club, New York 86
Faille, Baron Guy de la 29
Falkland Islands
Aerogramme, 8p provisional 48
Auction realisations 12-14, 61, 62
New Issues, 1979 48
Ross Expd. 1839/43 cover 7, 8
"Wilson" cover, 1915, at auction 13
Falkland Islands Dependencies
Admiralty Bay, cover 1948 94, 96
Auction realisations 13, 14, 87, 88, 90
"Map" essays at auction 13
Map issue, incl. specimen at auction 12
"Protector", HMS visits 85, 86
Falkland Islands Study Group 4, 99
Field Events, NZARP 27, 28
Filchner Ice Shelf 39
Filsell, Flt. Lt. Ian, RAAF 2
Finlay, John A, 27, 28, 50, 70, 84
Flaxman - Wedgwood Medallion,
Capt. Cook 11
Franklin, Sir John, ref. 7, 84
French Southern & Antarctic Territories
Antarctic Treaty 91
Belgian invitation 29
"Challenger" Expd. Issue 1979 notes 64, 65
Cover Offers 17, 22, 98, 100
Crozet, visiting biologists 1978/79 83, 95
Dumont d'Urville Base 17, 22, 98, 100
Madagascar, 50f. cover at auction 13
French Southern & Antarctic Territories continued
"Thala Dan" MV ship issue on cover 98, 100
"Watchman Tips", (Stamp Collecting) 14
Freuchen, Peter 57, 58
Frobisher, Sir John 84
Fuchs, Sir Vivian 27
Furse, Comdr. Chris. 76, 77
Gamma Island 38
Gane, Douglas 73
Garbutt, G, R, 4, 5, 50, 51, 71,
Gerlache de Gomery, Adrien de. 1897/99 28
Gerlache de Gomery, Gaston 1957 29
Germany (East)
"AK - Polar Post", Polar History
Study Group 15
Germany, (West)
Antarctic Base, new 91
Antarctic Treaty 91
German Society for Polar Research 92
Polar Catalogue 15
Polar Postal Exhibition, 1980 52, 64
Gibbs Island 75-77
Gough Island 26, 73, 74, 99
Glass, Bob 20
"Graf Zeppelin", Polar Flight 15
Gray, F/O. S. RAAF 2
Great Bear Lake, ref. 10
Great Slave Lake, ref. 10
Angmagssalik P. O. 74, 76
Aputiteg, P. O, closed 67
Arctic Supply, 1972, 1973 19, 23, 44, 47, 76,
98, 101
British Joint Services Expd.
Liverpool Land 1977 19, 23
Christmas Seals, 1974 & 1977 44, 47, 98, 101
Corner Block numbering,
Greenland stamps 69, 70
Cover Offers 19, 23, 24, 44, 47,
74, 76, 98, 101
Danish Red Cross - covers & s. sheet 85
Dundas, sub P. O. 5, 56, 58
Greenland Notes 5-7, 49, 67, 85
Julianhab, P. O. 5
Marmorilik, P. O. 5
Moriussaq 5
Name changes, Greenlandic language 5
New Issue & First day cover service 49
New issues, 1977/78/79 5, 44, 67
Pakke-Porto issues, ref. 58
Post codes, Main P. O's 6, 7
Postmarks, issue dates & withdrawal 5, 6, 67, 98
Post Offices closed 5, 67
Postage rate increases 49, 67
Queen Margrethe, new issues 49, 67
Qutdleq P. O. closed 5
Rasmussen, Dr. Knud 56-58, 67, 85
Rasmussen, First Day Covers 85
Ship Post Office codes 7
Sondre Stromf jord P. O, 5, 47, 98, 101
Thule, replacement canceller 98, 101
Thule, Stamp reprints 85
Thule Trading Post - Dr. K. Rasmussen 56-58
Page 4 Polar Post Index 1979 (Volume 11)
Greenland continued
Tingmiarmiut P.O. closed 67
"Tupilak" issue FDC. 74, 76
"Watchman Tips" 14
Green, Mary (née Cotton) 41, 42
Green, Peter, Snr. 18
Hackett, Bill 50
Hagan, Andrew, Capt. 42
Halley Bay, Base Z, 17, 21, 47, 48, 89
Hallpike, Lt. Tim, RN. 77
Hannape, Dr. Francis 30
Harmers Ltd. (London) 12, 85, 90
Harris, J. F. (Tristan) 87
Heard Is. 62, 89
Heilbig, R. 15
Heitler, Erwin 71, 72
Higginbottom, Alice 38, 39, 54-56
Highton, Comdr, John, RN. 77
Hilderbrant, Flt. Lt. H, RAAF 2
Hillary, Sir Edmund 27
Hodson, Mildred, cover ref. 98, 100
Hodson, Sgt. R. RAAF. 2
Hope Bay 39, 85
Hudson's Bay Company 84
Hunt, L/Cpl. 77
Hurran, Capt. Chris, 77
Italian Alpine Expd. to Spitsbergen, 1978 19, 24
Italian Bouvet Is. Expd. 1959 ref. 60
International Antarctic Glaciological
Project 30
International Courier 86
International Geophysical Year 27, 29, 39, 91
International Scientific Study,
Mt. Erebus, 1974/75 17
"In the Market Place" 14, 61-63, 87-91
Inuit people, (Eskimo), ref. 10, 52, 84
Jacobson, Miss Shirley, (ASPP) 16
Jagger, E. 85, 86
Antarctic Treaty 91
Auction realisations 88
"Aso Maru", whaling cover 43, 45, 92
Belgian Research at Showa
Base, 1976/77 30, 34
Dry Valley Drilling Project, Ross Dep. 73, 74
"Fuji", icebreaker 73, 75, 98, 100
Japanese Antarctic Expd. 1935, ref. 88
JARE cachets at Polar Exhibition 39
Polar Exhibition, Tokyo 39
Syowa Base 30, 34, 43, 46
Tokyo Univ. Krill Expd. cover 17, 21
Johnson, Ian 71
Joint Services Expd. Elephant Is. 1976/77 73, 75, 76, 77
Jones, Sgt. K., RAAF 2
Joy, Sgt. A. RCMP 52
Kardel, Rolf 64
Kerguelen Is. TAAF 13, 83
King Edward VII Land, at auction 12, 91
Komsomolskaya Pravada Polar Expd. 1979 71, 72
Krill Research
Antarctic Treaty 92
Japan 17, 21
Lafranchise, J. C 70
Lallemand, Ernest 29
Lambrecht, Leon, 30
Larsen, C. A. 27
Larsen, Dave 94
Laurie Is. P. O. 38
Lauscher, Louis 44
Lealman, Herbert 50
Lecointe, George 28
Lennox-King, Comdr, J. RNZN 86
Leppard, R, J. B. 24, 25, 26, 50, 60,
Lloyd, John, FRPSL 49, 89, 92
Loodts, Jacques 29
Lovell, Flt. Lt. R. RAAF 2
Lukas, Bernd 99
Mackay & Crabb, ref. 20, 66
Mackenzie River, ref. 10, 84
Macquarie Is. ANARE 1, 2, 17, 62, 89
Magazines & Periodicals
"Gibbons Stamp Monthly" 57
"Ice Cap News" (ASPP) 4, 41
"Illustrated London News" 64
"Johannesburg Star" 42
"Polar Post Collectors Club" (BRD) 92
"Runner & Mailcoach" 81
"Stamp Collecting" 14, 70
"Upland Goose" 4
Mallia, Ray 52, 61, 90
Marion Island 81, 82, 83, 99
Maritime Mail, P. O. cancel 85
Martin, Lt. Nick, RN Postmaster J. S. E. 77
Massey, A. J. P. 25, 56, 57, 58
Mawson Base, ANARE 43, 45, 62, 89
Mayo Sale (Tristan) 66, 93, 94, 95
Military Post Office 310, (N.W.T.) 70
Milne, Surg. Lt. Comdr. Alan, RN. 77
Milner, Roy M. 62
Mogford, Flt. Lt. Frank, RAF. 77
Monteith, Flt. Lt. David, RAF. 77
Moreno, Dr. Francisco P. 38
Morgan, Flt. Lt. A., RAAF 2
Mulder, Jozef de 28-37
Murray, Vic (Deceased) 55
McArdle, Comdr. S. L., MVO, RN 87
McDonald, Flt Lt. D. RAAF 2
McMurdo Station, New Postmark 11
McNish, Capt. T, K. 37
Naval Historical Branch, U. K. 20
Neaum, Rev. D. 66
New Zealand
Antarctic Research Programme,
NZARP 27, 28
Antarctic Treaty 91
Argentina - First Flight via Auckland
(Trans Polar) 80
Coronation Anniv. Aerogramme,
Ross Dep. 43, 46
"Endeavour", HMNZS 86
Page 5 Polar Post Index 1979 (Volume 11)
New Zealand continued
Field Events 27, 28
Ministry of Works 28
Mt. Erebus, Joint NZ/France/
USA Project 17, 21
New Zealand Oceanographic
Institute, NZOI 28
Pan-Am South Pole flight cover, 1977 3-5
Postal rates 55
Radio contacts & QSL cards 71
U. S, Naval P. O., Christchurch 11
U, S, VXE-6, suspect covers, 1978 14
New Zealand Antarctic Society 28
Nightingale Island 87
Nordenskjold, Otto. ref. 38
Norman, Shaun M, volcanologist 17, 21
North Pole
"Arktika" cover, 1977 92
Drifting Station 24 71, 72
Mail 1979 86, 95
Soviet Expd. 1979 71, 72
North West Territory, (NWT) 10, 52, 70, 84
Amundsen's Polar flight, ref. 14
Antarctic Eepd. 1978/79 98, 100
Antarctic Treaty 91
Italian Alpine Expd. Spitsbergen 1978 19, 24
Norsk Polarinstitutt. 98
Norwegian Expd. 1937, Tristan 20
Polar Flight souvenir sheet, 1979 80
Tromso Philatelic Society 80
Oates, Capt. L. E, G. (Postcard) 71, 73, 75
Ohio State University 30, 31
Old Crow, Yukon. 84
Operation Ice Cube 12, 1976 (NZ) 98,101
Paepe, R. 30, 33
Page, W. A. 81
Pan-Am's, 50th Anniv. Flight 3-5
Parker, Bishop W. 66
Partridge, Rev. A. G. ref. 20, 73
Paulissen, E. 30
Pauloni, Romeo, (artist F. I.) 25
Pead, J. L. A. 80
Penguin Parade, Australia 97, 100
Pfretzschner, Guenther 52
Picciotto, Dr. Edgard 29, 30, 32
Piggin, Mike 66
Platt, E. 94
Antarctic Expeditions, ref. 15, 29, 55, 65, 91
Antarctic Treaty 91
Krill Expd. cachets, 1977/78 52
Polar Bear Force, ref. 88
Polar History Study Group, DDR 15
Polar Postal History Society, G. B.
Auction 9, 50, 53, 70, 84,
Auction No, 18, realisations & A/C's 77-79, 97
Autumn Meeting 1978, report 25, 26
Awards at Exhibitions, members 25, 49, 60
Cover Offers 8, 17-19, 21-24,
43-47, 71-76,
Polar Postal History Society, G. B. continued
Editors Report & Accounts, 1978/79 51
Exchange Packet Report, 1978 25
Help, column 16, 44, 59, 99
Library, recent additions 53
Librarians Report 51, 53
Polar Post, back issues 16, 30, 59
Secretary, H, E, J. Evans 25, 26, 50
Secretary's Accounts 1978 50, 51
Secretary's Report, 1978 50, 51
Spring Meeting (1979) Report 60
Spring Meeting (1980), ref. 99
Polarpost Sammler, Der, (West Germany) 15
Pond Inlet, N, W. T. 10, 44, 45, 52
Port Foster, 1913, at auction 90
"Protector", HMS, survey of covers 85, 86
QSL Cards, Komsomolskaya Pravada
Polar Expedition 71, 72
Querndt, Dieter 15, 83
Racovitza, Emile 28
Radio Echo Sounding Programme 30, 33, 37
Rasmussen, Dr. Knud 56, 57, 58, 85
Raymond, Dr. Gale J. 86, 95
Reindeer Post in Arctic Russia 89, 96
Renson, Gaston 29
Repetto, Johnnie (Tristan) 66
Rosing, Jens, designer 44
Ross, Capt. James Clark (1839/43) 7, 27
Ross Dependency (N. Z.)
Aerogramme, Coronation Anniv. 1978 43, 46
Auction realisations 62, 63
Cape Bird 28
Cape Hallett, ref. 27, 71
Cover offers 17, 21, 43, 73, 74,
98, 101
Dry Valleys ref., & Belgian Expd. 27, 30, 33
Dry Valley Drilling Project, (Japan) 73, 74
Mount Erebus International Project 17, 21
NZ Antarctic Field Events 27, 28
Operation Ice Cube 12, 1976 98, 101
Radio contacts & QSL's 71, 72
Reprints on chalky paper, definitives 48
Ross Ice Shelf Project (RISP) 27, 28
Rothera Point, Base 'R' 3, 4, 77
Royal Inniskilling Dragoon Guards 73, 75
Royal Navy covers 79
Scotia Expedition, 1902/04 38
Scott Base (N. Z.)
Aerogramme, Ross Dep. 43, 45
First covers 1979/80 80
Historical notes & Field Events 27, 28
Mt. Erebus cover 17, 21
Operation Ice Cube 12, 1976 98, 101
RAAF Flights 1, 2, 98, 101
Radio contacts & QSL cards 71, 72
Resupply 86
Scott, Capt. R. F., cover at auction 12
Scott Polar Research Institute 30, 33
Sedov, Georg Centenary 47, 49
Shackleton, Sir Ernest, ref. 13, 93
Shakespeare, Bruce 28
Sheldon, Capt. O. D. 1878 18
Page 6 Polar Post Index 1979 (Volume 11)
Actaeon, HMS 66
Alcantara, HMS (AMC) 20
Allenshaw (1893) 42
Almirante Irizar (1978) 55
Antarctic (1901/04) 38
Apollo, HMS 40
Arawa, HMT 20
Arctica, USSR nuclear icebreaker 15, 92
Arethusa, HMS 40
Argonaut, HMS 40
Arundel Castle, SS 20
Aso Maru, whaling ship 43, 45, 92
Asturias, RSMP 93
Atlantic Isle, HMS 94
Aurora, SY (AAE) 13
Bahia Aguirre, (Argentina) 38, 55, 56
Bear of Oakland 90
Belgica, (1897/99) 28
Bloemfontein, HMSAS 83
Bornholm, MV 98, 101
Bransfield, RRS 9, 11, 24, 43, 45,
48, 97, 99
Brisbane, HMAS 40, 66
Britannia, H. M. Y. 40
Britannia, MS (Danish) 44, 47, 76
Bulolo, HMS (AMC) 20
Burghead Bay, HMS 40, 87
Cambrian Monarch, (1878) 18
Carinthia, HMS (AMC) 20, 66
Carnarvon Castle 20
Carnegie, US Yacht 85
Caronia, RMS 87, 96
Challenger, HMS 64, 65
Cilicia, HMS 20, 93
City of New York 90
Clan McMillan, SS 93
Clunepark, SS (?) 93
Comus, HMS (1880) 18
Carlisle, HMS 20, 40
Deutschland, (1911) 49, 85
Diomede, HMS 40
Discovery II, RRS 90
Disko, MS (Post code, Greenland) 7
Duchess of Atholl, ref. 73, 74
Duchess of Richmond 40
Edith Nielsen, MS 98, 101
Eleanor Bolling 90
Endeavour, HMNZS 86
Endeavour (II), HMNZS 86
Endurance, HMS 3, 4, 9, 40, 73, 75,
76, 77
Erebus, HMS (1839/43) 7
Erika Dan, MS 29
Eskimo, HMS 40
Essex, US man-of war 18
Fuji, icebreaker 73, 75, 98, 100
Franconia, at Tristan 67, 68
General San Martin 55
Glacier, USS 30, 33, 37
Good Hope, HMSAS 40, 81, 83
Gronland, MS 76
Highland Chieftain, HMT (?) 20
Innesmoor 20
Jaguar, HMS 40
Ships continued
John Biscoe (I), RRS 86
John Biscoe RRS 4, 9, 11, 24, 48,
Juno HMS 40
Kapitan Markov, USSR 73
Kent, HMS 40
Kenya, HMS 40
Kista Dan, MV 55
Kununguak, MS
(Post code Greenland) 7
Leonardo da Vinci, cruise liner 44, 46
Leopard HMS 40
Libertad, cruise liner. 55
Linblad Explorer, cruise liner 76, 77
London, HMS 40
Lotte Nielsen, MS 76
Lynx, HMS 40
Mabel Clark, sailing ship 18, 22
Magga Dan, MS 29
Magpie, HMS 40, 93
Marion Dufresne, MS 30, 34, 83
Martin Karlsen, (MV 'Kista Dan') 55
Michelet, clipper 93
Milford, HMS 20, 93
Mounts Bay, HMS 40
Monsdean, (1878) 18
Monsunen, ref. 20
Naiad, HMS 40
Namakagon, USS 86
Nanok S, MS 19, 23
Natal, HMSAS 40, 81, 83
Norse Captain, MS 81, 83
Nurnberg, German barque 41
Orangeleaf,RFA 41
Owen 26, 40
Patria (Norway) 28
Pentam, whaler 93
Polarhav 29
Polarsirkel, MV 29, 98, 100
Ponape 40
Pourquoi Pas? 13
Pretext, HMS 86
Protector, HMS 40, 85, 86
Puma, HMS 40
QE II 65, 66, 68
Queen of Bermuda, HMS (AMC) 20
Rangitata, HMT 20
Reliant 41
Rio Tunuyan, cruise ship 55
Ron Lung Chan, (Dragon Spring) 86
Rothesay, HMS 40
RSA,MV 18, 22, 35, 37
Sandefjord, schooner 20, 41
Scotia, (1902/04) 38
Shackleton, RRS 86
Sir James Clark Ross, whaler 27
Suomen Joutsen 20
Svenborg 19, 24
Tarbatness 40
Terror, HMS (1839/43) 7
Thala Dan, MS 98, 100
Theodore, German barque (1893) 42
Thorshammer 20
Thrust, HMS (1898) 42
Page 7 Polar Post Index 1979 (Volume 11)
Ships continued
Tideflow 40
Tidereach 41
Tonan Maru (1935) ref. 88
Transvaal, HMSAS 40, 81, 82, 83
Tristania II 73, 74
Tymeric, ref. 20
Umitaka Maru, TS research vessel 17, 21
Uruguay, (1903) 38
Vassily Fedeossjev, USSR 73
Viceroy of India 67
Walter Herwig, krill research vessel 9
Widgeon, HMS (1895) 42, 93
Wikinger, German whaler 41
Williwaw, sailing boat 30
Winchester Castle 93
Yarmouth, HMS 93
Signy Island (Base H) 43, 45, 47, 48, 86
Simkins, Lt. Andy 77
Smith, Dick 73
Sobral, Jose Maria 38
Sondhelm, Peter 60
Sondhelm, Sonia 5-7, 48, 67, 85
Sondhelm, W. S. 8, 9, 49, 85
South Africa
Antarctic catalogue/ handbook 99
Antarctic Treaty 91
Auction realisations 88, 93, 94
Belgian Antarctic
co-operation, 1967/70 29, 35, 37
Cape Town & South Pole Flight, 1977 3-5
Cover offers 18, 22, 73, 74, 98,
Gough Island 73, 74, 93, 99
Marion Island mail 81-83, 99
MV "RSA", last voyage 1978 18, 22
Tristan cover 93, 94
South Georgia
Auction realisations 13, 14, 61, 85, 88,
90, 93
Binnie handstamp, 1911 85, 96
Cachets, 1978/79 48, 94
Capt. Cook, 200th Anniv. issue 1979 11
"Deutschland Expd." 1911 cover 49, 85, 88
Essay 1912, at auction 13
Imprint below, F. I. 1910
cover at auction 13, 49, 85, 88
J, S, E, 1976/77 ref. 77
Mail, 1977/78 season & 1978/79 season 9, 49
Postmarks, new 1978/79 47, 48
Postmarkers, 1910, 1914, 1935
(on covers 1979) 73, 74, 99
"Protector", HMS at 86
Registered envelope, first use 49
South Georgia Notes 9, 49, 85
Straight line handstamp, 1909 8, 9, 49
50p spiral watermark & reprint 1978 48, 80
1963 First Day Cover at auction 12
South Pole
Argentinian Flights 54
First Flight comm, issue, A.A.T. 14
Pan Am Flight cover, 1977 3-5
Queen Maud Land Expd., Traverse II 29-32
South Shetlands
Auction realisations 14
Base 'G' cover, 1948 94, 96
J. S. E. 1976/77 75-77
Soviet Antarctic Expds. handbook 15, 83
Spender, David 89
Auction realisations 61
Italian Alpine Expd. 1978 19, 24
Polar Flights, commemorative covers 80
Srite, Comdr, David A. ??
Steyart, Dr. Jacqueline 30
Stonington Is, (Base E) 85
'Story behind a Card' 67, 68
Styles, Dudley C. 7, 12-14, 26, 60,
90, 99
Swedish South Polar Expd. 1901/04 ref. 38
Swindells, N. J. 28
see French Southern & Antarctic Territories
Tambs, Capt. (1937) 20
Thompson, Capt. (1893) 42
Thule Culture 84
Thule Trading Post, Dr, Knud Rasmussen 56-58
Townley, Senator Michael, Tasmania, Aust. 2
Tristan Da Cunha
"Bornholm", M V. cover 1963 98, 101
"Burghead Bay", HMS visit 87
"Carinthia", visits & cachet 66, 93, 94
Cartwright, George Herbert (1893 & 95) 41,42
Corrections to Tristan Notes,
(Dec. 1978 PP.) 20
Cover Offers 18, 22, 44, 46, 73,
74, 98, 101
"Franconia", postcard 67, 68
Liverpool /Tristan
combination cover, 1978 18, 22
"Mabel Clark", Centenary of
the wreck of 18, 22
Mayo Sale 66, 93-95
Naval cachets, status 66
Paquebot cover, undated (c. 1958) 87, 96
Paquebot mark, QE II 65, 66
Potato Stamp, 1946, details 64, 65, 94
"Protector", HMS visits 86
"QE II", HMS visit 66, 93
"QE II", visit, covers & report 19, 64, 65-68, 93
Rowland Hill Centenary issue, 1979 64, 65
Ships visits, 1938,1946/67 20, 40, 86, 93
Silver Jubilee overprints ref. 41, 66
Silver Jubilee overprints 1935 34, 40
Tourist Cruise visit,
"Leonardo da Vinci" 44, 46
Tristan Notes 20, 40-42, 66, 67,
93, 94
Tristan Times 64
Type V cachet; 50th Anniv. cover 1979 73, 74
"Watchman Tips", (Stamp Collecting) 14
Turnbull, Flt. /Lt, Gordon, RAAF 77
Turner, Dr. G. L. 64
Turnock, Mrs. M. 69, 70
Page 8 Polar Post Index 1979 (Volume 11)
United States
Antarctic Treaty 91, 92
Auction realisations 90
Belgian Exchange Scientists, 1960/73 29, 30
Byrd Expd. I, II, III, refs. 90
Ellsworth Station 54
McMurdo Station 1, 2, 11
Palmer Station 11
Pan-Am Airways 3-5
Postmark, new design at McMurdo 11
US Naval P. O. Christchurch, ref. 11
VXE-6, covers not services 1979 99
VXE-6, suspect covers, April 1978 14
VXE-6, Winfly Flight 1979 80
University of Brussels 30
University of Canterbury, N. Z. 28
University of Ghent 30
University of Liege 30
University of Leuven 30
Antarctic Treaty 91, 92
Arctic covers 89, 96
Arctic item at auction 61
Auction realisations, "Polar Bear Force" 87
Druzhnaya Base 73, 74
"Komsomolskaya Pravada" Expd. 1979 71, 72
Krasnoshchelye settlement 89, 96
Lovozero settlement 89, 96
Mirny Base 55, 83
North Pole cover 1977 92
Oasis, former Antarctic base 29
Philatelic handbook, Soviet
Antarctic Expds. 15, 83
Polarfila - 77, 78, covers 47, 49, 89, 96
'QSL' cards 71, 72
Van Autenboer, Tony 29, 35, 37
Vance, P/O R., (RAAF) 2
Vanhoudt, Raymond 29
Van Marcke, Roger 29
Victoria Land, at auction 12, 13, 91
Victoria University, Wellington, NZ 63
Vogel, Dr. Hal 27, 81-83, 92, 99
Vogel, Mrs. N. 92
VXE-6, Antarctic Development Squadron
Belgian observer 29
Covers not serviced, 1979/80 99
Suspect covers, April 1978 14
Wall, Hannah 7, 8
Wall, Richard, seaman, (Ross Expd. 1843) 7, 8
Warburton, Bruce 28
Warmbrunn, Jurgen 91, 92
Wartel, Stanislas 30, 34
"Watchman", Stamp Collecting Magazine 14, 61
Wegener, Alfred 52, 64
"Aso Maru", Japanese cover 43, 45, 92
Conservation of Whales, BAT, FDC 17
Hagan, Capt. Andrew at Tristan 42
"Pentam", ex Tristan 93
"Wikinger", whaler at Tristan 41
Wickham, George 50, 97
Wiencke Island 28
Williams, P/O D., (RAAF) 2
Williams, Tony 40, 42, 67, 87, 93,
Wimpenny, Lt. Mike, RM. 77
Wilson, Lt. Cmdr. M. R. 20, 40, 66, 93, 94
Wowern, Eric, ref. 58, 69
Yellowknife 84
Yetter, S. E. 70
Yukon, ref. 10, 84
Zeppelin, cover at auction

Index to Volume 12
Whole numbers: 104, 105, 106, 107
March, June, September, December
Compiled by: J. A. FINLAY
Adie, R. J. 54
Airship, Norge 47, 51
Catalina, RAAF 28, 65
DC. 7C, (SAS) 47, 48, 51
Dornier Wal. 47, 51
Hercules C-130, Argentina 65
Hercules C-130, RAF 75
Illyushin IL 180 48
Jumbo Jet, Quantas 29, 30
Loening, amphibian 47, 51
Orion. P3C, RAAF 1, 8
Seneca II 47
Twin Otter, RAF 75
Alaska, Dog Sled Mail 1980 35
American Society of Polar Philatelists 68, 69, 83
Amundsen, Roald 45, 47
Andrew, E. J. 13, 30, 70
Antarctic Notes 6-8, 23, 43, 92-94
Antarctic Treaty 9, 41
Flight cover, 1st Transpolar 100
Falkland Is. Hijacked cover ref. 71
Ascension Is. Shackleton issue 1972 74, 76
City Stamp Auction 65, 66
Collectors Mail Auctions (Pty) Ltd. 26
Globe International 25, 26
Graf Von Spee Chapter Polarpost 65
Harmers, London 27, 28, 67
Laurie Franks Ltd. 26, 27
Rigby Philatelic Auctions 66
Robson Lowe Ltd. 27, 28, 67, 79
Auction realisations 25, 27, 28, 65, 66,
67, 79
Auction Roundabouts 25-27, 64-66
Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT)
Auction realisations 12, 26, 27, 65, 66
Flight covers, controversy 29, 30
Heard Is. 42, 65, 66, 94
Macquarie Is. 1, 8, 28, 65, 73,
Macquarie Is., emergency mails 28, 65, 73
Mawson, Sir Douglas, Expd.
cover 1930/31 66
Mercy missions 42, 65, 73
Operation Sinbad, 1948 28, 66
Postage Rates, 1980 94
Problems with Stamps 79, 92
Ship definitives, errors 79, 92
South Pole Flight, 50th Anniv. 46, 49, 74, 76
Stamp Tips 4, 57
Baffin, William, 1616 44
Barber, Geoffrey 6-8, 43, 92-94
Barnes, Rufus 71
Barrow, Sir John 6, 22
Bartlett, Capt. R. A. 4, 5
Barton, Malcolm 30, 70, 71
Bay, Arne J. 72
Beaufort, Cmdr. F., 1806 85, 86
Belknap, Dr. Ralph L. 4, 5
Bermuda Prize Court, ref. 81, 82
Bingham, Surg. Capt. E. W. 34-36
Bloom, George 96
Books & Catalogues
"Antarctic", (H. G. R. King) 9
"Elephant Island", (Chris Furse) 85
"Geographical Locations of USA
APOs, 1941-1978" (James Shaffer ) 48
"The History of Greenland II,
1700/82" (Finn Gad) 81
"The History & Postal History of
Tristan da Cunha" (George Crabb) 60, 79, 90, 91
"Land Under the Pole Star"
(Helge Ingstad) 81
"Operation Deepfreeze 1954-1970"
(Gerhard Trögel) 53
"Postal History of Soviet Antarctic
Activities, 1955-1977"
(Russell E. Ott) 68
"Postmarks of Territorial Alaska"
(Dr. R., W., Helbock) 69
"Race for the North Pole" (J. E. Weems) 4
"Shackletons Last Voyage, the Story
of the Quest", (Frank Wild) 46
"Svalbard - filatelien", (Arne J. Bay) 72
"Two Years in the Antarctic",
(Kevin Walton) 35
British Antarctic Survey 32, 33
British Antarctic Territory
Adelaide Is., Base T 14, 15, 17, 95, 97
Argentine Is., Faraday Base 46, 49, 74
Auction realisations 67
"Bransfield'' RRS accident 43
Definitives, new printings 1979/80 6, 7, 93
"Endurance", HMS,
helicopter flight cover 74, 77
Halley Bay, Base Z 15, 17, 43, 52, 95,
Handstamps, new 1980 43
Postage Rates, 1980/81 93, 94
Relief Ship departure dates, 1980 92
Rothera Point, Base R, Adelaide Is. 6, 14, 15, 17, 43,
46, 49, 74
Royal Georgraphical Society,
150th Anniv. 6, 22, 43, 79, 92
Signy Is. Base H 43, 52, 74, 77, 95,
Stonington Island 95, 97
UV lamp, reaction 71
British Monomark address 59, 60, 62
British Transglobe Expd. 31, 43
Brown, Trevor G. 39, 79, 83, 84
Polar Post Index 1980 (Volume 12) Page 2
Bruce R., Postmaster 47
Bullock, Gerry 10, 48, 59, 60, 70,
90, 91
Burley, Cmdr. Malcolm 85
Calder, A. J., postmaster Tristan 79
Campbell Island 85, 89, 90
Auction realisations 26
Joint Services Expd.
Princess Marie Bay (1980) 41
London '80 cachet 74, 76
National Postal Museum 30
Old Crow, Yukon 47, 50
Royal Navy Ellesmere Is.Expd. 1972 75, 76
Cape Geddes, Base C 34, 35
Cape Town Paquebot 18, 61-63
Carse, Duncan 32, 33
Charcot Expd. at auction 28
Choyce, M. A. 54
Christensen, H. 44, 45
Clough, Dr. R, K. 69, 70
Colonial Office 32, 33
Controversy over Antarctic Flight covers 29, 30
Cooter, John, designer 32
Corfield, H. S. A. censor 59, 61
Cove, Phil. 9, 35, 47
Crabb, George 9, 39, 60, 70, 79,
90, 91
Crawford, Alan B. 59-62, 70, 85-88
Crown Agents 32, 33, 85
Crozet Island 57, 58
Curzon, Lord 6, 22
Cutress, George P. 59, 61
Dalrymple, Alexander, (hydrographer) 37, 40
Dean, Tony 12
Deception Is. 34
de Gerlache, Henri, 1899 71
Greenland ref. 44, 45, 96, 100
Rasmussen, Knud. 44, 45
de Violini, Robert, ASPP 68
Discovery Expd. 1901, at auction 27
Dog Sled Mail from Alaska 35
Drew, Charles 39
Drummond, Gordon, designer 32
Dundas & Thule District, a short history 44, 45
Elephant Island, book review 85
Elliott, F. K. 54
Elliott, Hugh, Tristan 60, 62
Erskine, Cmdr. A. B., RN 75, 76
Evans, H. E. J. 10, 11, 75
Falkland Islands
Auction realisations 27, 28
Christmas Aerogramme 1980 93
Dependencies,, new issues for 32, 33, 93
Governor, ref. 32, 33
New issues 1980 92, 93
Picture Postcard Catalogue, 1900/1940 42
Postage Rates 1980 93, 94
Postal markings, reuse 93
Falkland Islands Dependencies
Argentine Base; Corbeta Uruguay 93
Auction realizations 25-27, 67
Cape Geddes, Base C 34
Deception Is. Base B 34
Definitive issues 1980 7, 32, 33, 93, 94
Falkland Is. Dependencies Survey,
Hope Bay, Base D 54
Map issue, o/p 'Specimen' 67
Marguerite Bay 34
Plants issue, 1981 93, 94
Port Foster, at auction 27, 28
Port Lockroy 34
Postage Rates, 1980 93, 94
Postmark errors, 1946 34-36
Sledge journey,
Antarctic Peninsula 1947 54
South Shetlands, post markers, c. 1948 8, 9
Stonington Is. 34-36, 54
Falkland Islands Philatelic Study Group 69, 71, 83
Finch, M. L. 4, 5
Finlay, J. A. 12, 34-36
Fisher, A. G. 8, 9, 34
Francis, S. J. 54
French Southern & Antarctic Territories
Auction realisations 25
Kerguelen, ships visit 16
"Magga Dan" MS 85
Postage rates, 1980 94
QSL cards 57, 58
Freuchen, Peter 44, 45
Fuchs, Sir Vivian 54, 85
Furse, Chris. 85
Garbutt, G. R, 1, 10, 84, 85, 94,
95, 96
Germany (East)
DDR-USSR Antarctic co-operation 15, 19
Forster, George, 35pfg. issue 46, 49, 95, 97
Germany (West)
Ganovex-German Antarctic North
Victoria Land Expd. 1979/80 21, 43
Krill research 21
Polar Philately Exhibition 95, 98
Weddell Sea Expd. 1979/80 21, 43
Gilbert Islands, (South Pacific) 15, 17
Glass, Lily, Tristan 59, 62
Glass, Wilson, Tristan 59
Goodenough, Sir William 6, 22
Gough Island 46, 50, 75, 84, 85
Gran, Tryggve 91
Greely, Adm. A, W, (letter to R, F. Scott) 70
Arctic Supply 1972 16, 18, 75, 78
Auction realisations 4, 25
Charity label, 1943 81, 82
Christmas Seals on cover, 1979 75, 78, 96, 100
Cover Offers 16, 18, 47, 51, 75,
76, 78, 96, 100
Datestamp replacement, MS "Disko" 47
Denmark, ref. 44, 45, 81, 96
Dundas & Thule District, short history 44, 45
Eskimos 44, 45
Flight covers 96, 100
Polar Post Index 1980 (Volume 12) Page 3
Greenland continued
Godthab 16, 18, 20, 75, 76,
96, 100
Handicraft issues 53
Jorgen Bronland, issue 47, 51
Julianehaab 16, 18, 81, 82, 83
London '80 cachet 74, 76, 83
"Notes" 53, 83
Peary Memorial Expd. Cape York 1932 4
Postmarks used, 1979/80 20, 83
Radio Stations 45
Rasmussen, Knud 44, 45
Rumanian Expd. ref. 38
Settlements 45
Stamps issued, 1979/80 20, 83, 96, 100
Sub Post Offices (Julianhaab) 81-83
Thule Expeditions, 1912-1932 44, 45
Hansen, Capt. Godfred 45
Heitler, Erwin 1-3, 57, 58
"Help" column 42, 72, 94
"Here and There" 41, 42
Heyburn, Henry R. 42
Hunt, Charles 12
Iditarod Trail Race, Alaska 35
In the Market Place 4, 45, 57
Italy, auction realisations 26, 65
Jabornicky, Flt. Lt. Peter, RAAF 1, 8
Jagger, Eugene 84, 85, 89, 90
Jan Mayen Island 96, 98
Antarctic Expd. 1935, doubt 25, 64
"Aso Maru", 1980 95, 98
Auction realisations 27
Cachets, 21st JARE 92, 101
Copenhagen Flight - via North Pole 48, 52
Dry Valley Drilling Project (DVDP) 46, 50
"Fuji" cover, 1980 74, 77
Japan Philatelic Bureau 92
Nippon Fishery Co. Ltd. 64
Syowa Base 15, 19, 92, 95, 98,
"Tonan Maru" c. 1935 25, 64, 65
Torii, Dr. Tetsuya 15, 18
Whaling cover, 1980 74, 77
Joint Services Expd. Elephant Is, 1976/77 85
Joint Services Expd. Princess
Marie Bay, 1980 41
Josie, Amos 47
"Judging by the Stentorious Breathing" 34-36
Kerguelen Islands 16, 57, 58
King Edward VII Land, at auction 28
King, H, G. R, 41
King, P. W, (AAT) 1
Kobayashi, Capt. (whaler) 65
Komsomolskaya Pravda Polar Expd. 1979 1-3
Krill research covers 65, 95, 98
Lauritzen A/S 28
Lealman, Herbert 94
Lehmann, Rene 8
"Lenin", is Twenty Years Old 20
Leppard, R. J. B. 11, 13, 30, 70, 71
Lindsay, Philip, (Tristan) 59
Lloyd, John, FRPSL 8, 48
London '80 reports 69-71, 83
Luxton, Henry, Port Stanley 33
Macquarie Island, AAT 1, 8, 28, 65, 66,
94, 95
Magazines & Periodicals
"Daily Advertiser", c. 1772 14
"Edinburgh Advertiser", c. 1770 83
"Falkland Islands Magazine" 42
"Falkland Islands Philatelic Digest" 69
"Ice Cap News" 69, 83
"Kalatdlit Nunat" 81
"National Geographic" 81
"Observer" newspaper 31
"Stamp Collecting" 4, 39, 45, 57
"Stamp Magazine" 32
"Stamp News", Australia 29
"Upland Goose" 14, 69, 83
"Magga Dan", MS 84, 85
Mallia, R. J. 13, 20, 25, 59, 69-
Marguerite Bay 34
Marion Island 9, 59, 62, 84
Markham, Sir Clements 6, 22
Massey, A. J. P. 4, 81, 82
Mawson Base, AAT 57, 95
Mayo Auction covers 59-63
McCombie, Leslie, designer 93
McMillan, Angus 70
Milner, Roy 42, 94
Mogensen, Palle, USN 75, 78
Moltke, Harald 44
More, Zoltan 37-39, 42, 72, 94
Mulder, Jozef de 28
Murphy, B, 53
Musee de la Marine, Paris 37
National Maritime Museum, Greenwich 37
New Zealand
Campbell Island 15, 19, 89, 90
Christchurch Paquebot 65, 66
Picket Ships, Southern Ocean 89, 90
Transpolar Flight, ex Argentina 100
Nield, Mrs. E. N. 12
Nielson, Rev. A, Bo 84
Norcross, Arthur D. 4, 5
North Pole 1, 2, 21, 38, 48,
Jan Mayen Is. 96, 98
Norwex 80, S. sheet 47, 51
Svalbard, Norwegian Postmarks 72
Oates, Capt, L. E. G., Anniv. cover 14, 17
Ocean Picket Ships 89, 90
Official Cachets, 21st Japanese
Ant. Res. Expd. 92, 101
Old Crow, Yukon 47, 50
Operation Tabarin 34, 35
Osawa, Tutsomu 25, 64
Ott, Russell, ASPP 13, 68
Polar Post Index 1980 (Volume 12) Page 4
Page, Alex. 84
Peary, Marie Ahnighito 4, 5
Peary Memorial Expd., Cape York 1932 4, 5
Peary, Adm Robert E. USN 4, 5, 44
"Picketing the Pole" 89, 90
Piggin, M. 37, 40
Pirie, Harvey 59
Polar Philatelists Nightmare,
Operation Deepfreeze 53
Polar Postal History Society GB
Auction 11, 12, 53, 64, 96
Auction realisations, No. 19 55, 56
Autumn Meeting Reports,
1979 & 1980 12, 13, 83
Awards at BPE 1980 83
Awards at London '80 69
Cover offers 14-19, 46-52,
74-78, 95-100
Editors accounts, 1979/80 41
Editorial Comment 8, 9, 41, 96
Exchange Packet 11
Falkland Is. Philatelic Study Group
Joint Meeting, 1980 8, 13, 30, 69-71,
74, 76, 83
Library 11, 31, 68
London '80 69-71, 83
"Polar Post" 8, 39
Secretary's Accounts, 1979 10
Secretary's Report, 1979 10, 11
Spring Meeting report, 1980 13
Polish Expd. West Antarctica, cachets 101
Pooley, Rev. R., MA 59, 61
Pope, K. W., flight courier 29
Popper, Juliu 37, 38
Port Lockroy 34
Priestly, Sir Raymond 6, 22, 91
Problems with Stamps, AAT 79
QSL Cards
Komsomolskaya Pravada
Polar Expd. 1979 1-3
TAAF 57, 58
Quantas Airlines 29, 30
Racovitza, Emil 37, 34
Rasmussen, Dr. Knud 44, 45
Ross Dependency
Auction realisations 65
Ice Cube 13 95, 99
Picket ships 89, 90
Postage Rates, 1980 94
Scott Base 15, 18, 46, 50, 95,
Stamp Tips 57
Vanda Station 46, 50
Ross, Sir John 44
Royal Flying Doctor Service 29
Royal Geographical Soc. Anniv. issues 85-88
Royal Greenland Trading Co. ref. 81
Royal Navy Ellesmere Is. Exp. 1972 75, 76
Royal Navy Mountaineering Club 75
Antarctic Treaty, ref. 30, 37, 40
Polar related philatelic material 37-39
Russian Philatelic Society 8, 42
Scott, Capt. Morris 85
Scott, Capt. R. F. ref. 70
Scottish National Antarctic Expd. 1902/04 16
Secura Singapore Pte Ltd. (printers) 6, 22
Shackleton, Sir Ernest 33, 46
Sheldrake, Harry 12
Shelton, Douglas 41, 69, 70
Agulhas, SA 84
Amelia 92
Antarctic, Norwegian whaler 25, 64
Apollo, HMS 39
Arktika, USSR nuclear icebreaker 20, 21
Aso Maru, whaling ship, (krill fishing) 95, 98
Aurora, S Y 71
Australia, HMAS 28, 42
Bashkiria 95
Belgica 37
Benjamin Bowring, MV 31
Bransfield, RRS 7, 15, 17, 43, 77,
92, 95, 96, 98
Bransfield, whaler 14
Brough, USS 89
Burghead Bay, HMS 39
Calcaterra, USS 89
Calulo 28
Carinthia, HMS 59, 62, 83
Carlisle, HMS 59, 61
Carnegie, yacht 12, 28
Caronia, RMS 39, 79
Discovery II, RRS 71, 94
Disko, M S 16, 18, 47
Doudart de Lagree 16
Durant, USS 89
Effie M. Morrissey 4, 5
Empire Merganser, MS 59
Endurance, HMS 4, 7, 43, 74, 77,
Erebus, HMS (1843) 12
Erika Dan, MV (El Riaz) 28, 75, 78
Forbin, AE 16
Forster, USS 89
Fram 79
Frederico C 48, 52
Frida Dan, MS 75, 78
Fuji, icebreaker 74, 77, 92, 101
Godthaab, (1909) 44
Hissem, USS 89
Investigator, HMS 9
Iroquois, HMCS 84
Jeanne D'Arc 16
John Biscoe, RRS 6, 7, 43, 52, 92,
96, 99
Julius Fock, West Germany 21
Kunungvak, MS 16, 18
Labuan,HMAS 94
Lenin, Nuclear icebreaker 20, 22, 23, 24, 30,
L'Heure du Berger, France 37
Libertad, TN 66
Linblad Explorer 85
Magga Dan, MV 28, 84, 85
Merak-N 92
Milford, HMS 71
Polar Post Index 1980 (Volume 12) Page 5
Ships continued
Mills, USS 89, 90
Morning, SY 79, 92
Motor, (1910) 44
Mount Olympus, USS 66
Nella Dan, MS 75, 78
Nimrod, SY 79, 92
Nisshin Maru No. 3, whaler 74, 77
Olenik, re-supply ship 94, 95
O. R. P. Kopernik, RV 101
Otto Schmidt, RV icebreaker 94
Pandora 84
Penola, BGLE 1934-1937 34, 35
Pequena, fishing vessel 60
Perth, HMAS 28, 73
Perthshire, HMAS 42
Petersen, USS 89
Polarbjorn, MS 47, 51
Polarsirkel, MV 21, 43
Professor Vize, RV 95
Protector, HMS 9
Pukaki, HMNZS 89, 90
Queenborough, HMAS 42, 73
Quest, RYS 46, 75
Reliant, RFA 39
Resolution, HMS 46, 49, 95, 97
Roosevelt 4
Ritva Dan, MS 75, 78
Rotoiti, HMNZS 66, 89, 90
Rotterdam, SS 48
RSA, MV 15, 18, 46, 50
Sao Nicolau, (ex Magga Dan) 28, 85
Schepelsturm, MS West Germany 21, 43
Shackleton, RRS 92
Sibir, Icebreaker 20
Sokongen, schooner 45
Terror, HMS 70
Thala Dan, MS 75, 78
Thomas J. Gary, USS 89
Tidereach, RFA 39
Tonan Maru, whaler c. 1935 25, 64, 65
Transvaal, HMSAS 59
Trepassey 34-36
Tristania 39
Tymeric, ref. 59
Vance, USS 89
Victor Schoelcher, AE 16
Vincennes, 1838-1842 15, 17
Walther Herwig, West Germany 21
Weser, West Germany 21
William Scoresby 34
Winchester Castle 39
Woolwich, HMS 85
Zeehaan, MV 85
Snares Island, ref. 89
Sondhelm, Sonia 20, 53, 83
Sondhelm, Walter 8, 67
South Africa
Auction realisations 26, 65, 66
Borga Base 31
British Transglobe Expd. 31
Gough Is., at auction 66
Gough Is. covers, 1972 & 1977 15, 18, 46, 50, 75
Postmarker, new 1980 96, 97
South Africa continued
SANAE 31, 46, 50, 67, 84,
96, 97
Suspension, philatelic Services,
SANAE, Marion Is. 84
South Georgia
Auction realisations 27, 66, 67
Base cachets ref, 46, 50
Definitive issues, 1971 /78 7
Falkland Is. Dependencies,
new issues 1979/80 7, 32, 33, 93, 94
Handstamp, new 1980 43, 52
Indigenous Plants issue 93, 94
Overprint, FI & SC p/m 1910 at auction 63, 67
Picture postcards 42, 63, 67, 75, 77,
96, 99
Postage rates, 1980 93, 94
Provisional 1928 issue at auction 27
Stamp stocks, shortage 1979 7, 43
UV Lamp reaction 71
South Pole
Anniversary flight 39
German South Pole Expd. 1911/12 ref. 95, 98
Postcard, 60th Anniv. Scott 91
Spafford, Major R. N. 69, 70
Spitzbergen, Norwegian postmarks, book 72
Stampex 1980 & Tristan 59, 60
Startin, Mrs. 39
St. Paul & Amsterdam Is., TAAF 57, 58
Styles, Dudley 8, 13, 27, 30, 67,
69, 71, 83
Sugiyama, Y. 92, 101
Sverdrup, Otto 44
Sydney International Airport PO 29, 30
Taiwan, Antarctic cover 65
Tanquary Fjord 75, 76
Taylor, Capt. A. 34
Terre Adelie, TAAF 57, 58
Theobald, Anthony, designer 6, 22
"Thirty Years Ago, or Long Ago
and Far Away" 54
Thule, Greenland 44, 45
Tristan Da Cunha
Adm. Beauforts Chart. 87, 88
Auction realisations 12, 25, 26, 79
Caronia Mail 1958 39, 79
Chart, early ca 1767 37, 40
Covers, ex auction 59-63
"Frederico C", visit 48
Gough Is. anniv. cover 46, 50
High Seas Mail cachet 96, 100
"History & Postal History
of Tristan Da Cunha" 79, 90, 91
London '80 ref. 70
New issue, RGS Anniv. designs 85-88
Postage Due, plate nos. 39
Paquebot, undated ref. 9
Potato label on cover 59, 62
Pre-stamp cachet 'X5' 59, 60, 61
Registration labels 39, 49, 79
Tourist cruises, 1980 48
Tristan Notes 39, 79, 83, 84
United Society for the Propagation
of the Gospel 91
Polar Post Index 1980 (Volume 12) Page 6
Twistleton-Fiennes, Sir Ranulph 31
Udovikov, Dr. Sergei 42
Underwood, Louis 91
United States of America (USA)
Auction realisations 26, 27, 66
Carnegie Institute 28
Greenland, ref. 45, 81, 82
2nd International Polar Year 4
McMurdo Station 46, 50
Narssarssuak, USAAF base 81, 82
Naval Arctic Research
Laboratory, Barrow 9
Operation 'Deepfreeze' 53-66, 78, 89, 90
Pole Station, IGY cover 75, 78
University of Michigan
Polar Expd. 1932/33 4, 5
US APOs 1941-1978 48
VXE-6, yearbook 83
War Cover Club, APOs 48
Antarctic Flight from Moscow 1980 48
Antarctic Mail, non return 1979/80 94, 95
Arctic Flight, query 48
"Arktika" at North Pole 21
"Lenin", nuclear ice breaker 20, 22, 23, 24, 30,
Mirny Base, cover 1956 8
Molodezhnaya 48
Murmansk 20, 22-24, 42, 48
Murmansk Steamship Co. 20
Norpol 2, 30th Anniv. 42
"Olenik", resupply ship reported lost 94
'Postal History of Soviet Antarctic
Activities 1955-1977'
(ASPP Handbook) 68
"Severnyi Polus" Bases, ref. 13
Wildlife issues, 1978 47, 51
Victoria Land, at auction 28
Vogel, Dr. Hal 4, 9, 41
Waddington, John Studios 33
Walton, Kevin 35
War Cover Club, US 48
"Watchman Tips" 4, 45
Weyprecht - Peyer Expd., ref. 70
Wilkes, Lt. 15, 17
Williams, Tony 39, 79, 83
Wilson, Cmdr. 39
F. I. D. stamp designs 32
Japan, 1934/35 64, 65
"Nisshin Maru No. 3", 1980 74, 77
Wowern, Eric Von 4
Wordie, Sir James 6, 22
Wright, Sir Charles 91
Zurn, Dr. Walter 91

Index to Volume 13
Whole numbers: 108, 109, 110, 111
March, June, September, December
Compiled by: J. A. FINLAY
Aerial Post, UK, 1931, 70th Anniv. 41, 45
Helicopter, (USSR) 69, 75
Hercules C 130, Argentina 35
Hercules C 130, N. Z. 71, 75
Illyushin IL 180 88, 92
Allan, Alastair 76, 77
American Bank Note Company 81
American Society of Polar Philatelists,
ASPP 65, 80
Andrew, Eddie ,J. (Obit, ) 32, 51
"Antarctica, Mother of" 83
Antarctic Notes 39, 40, 93, 96
Almirante Brown Base 89
Antarctic Bases, 1960/1981 35, 36
Covers serviced at stations 1960/81,
No’s, 35, 70, 73, 89, 94
"Linblad Explorer" covers 40, 43, 70, 73,
89, 91, 94
"Martin Karlsen", MV1967/68 36
To obtain Antarctic covers 10
Trans-Antarctic Flight, 1980 10, 14
Articles referred to
Americans stand guard in Greenland 76
Greenland Postmarks since 1938 25, 81
In Greenland’s Ice 25
North West Territories Canada 31
Tristan’s earliest entire 80
Voyage of the 'Sea Breeze' 25
Atka Bay 28
Attenborough, David 49
Auction realisations 7-9, 47, 48
Harmers (London) Ltd 9
Phillips, London 9
Robson Lowe Ltd, 7, 8
Western Auctions 8
Auction realisations 7
Dan ships, ANARE, cover dates 36, 37
Japanese whaling ship visit, 1935 3
Tasmania, ANARE p/m 11, 14
Vancouver Day, cover 10, 11
Australian Antarctic Territory (AAT)
Casey Base, new postmark, 1979 39, 62, 72, 80
Casey Base, QSL cards 50, 54
Dan ships, cover dates at bases 36-38, 39
Heard Island, QSL cards 50, 54
QSL cards 50, 52-54
Ship definitive issues 11, ref. 70, 73
Windmill Island, Wilkes Land 50, 52
"World Discoverer" MV,
Macquarie Is, 1981 38
A visit to HMS "Endurance" at Chatham 49, 50
Barber, Geoffrey 39, 40, 93, 96
Barnes, T. 42
Books & Catalogues
"An Account of the Arctic Regions"
(William Scoresby, 1820) 76
"A History of Polar Exploration"
(David Mountfield, 1974) 76
"Crisis in Utopia" (Peter Munch) 46
"Der Polarpost Sammler" (R. Helbig) 20
"Geographic Locations of U.S. APO's,
1941/1978 (James Shaffer) 18
"Geology" (A. J. Smith, 1974) 83
"Greenland" (Michael Banks) 25, 76
"The Hills and the Sea"
(H. W. Tilman, DSO, MC.) 25
"Histoire des Obliterations
et des Timbres de TAAF" (L. Joffre) 58
"Mountains in the Sea" 46
"The Origin of Continents
and Oceans" (A. Wegner) 83
"Polar Deserts" (Wally Herbert, 1971) 83
"The Postal History of the Antarctic
(R. W. Bagshawe & J. Goldup) 32
"The Postal History of Soviet Antarctic
Activities" (Russell E, Ott) 32
"TAAF - Philatelie Histoire Postale"
(H, Tristant) 58, 65
"Tristan" (Herve Barin) 46
"Tristan da Cunha and the Roaring
Forties" (Allan B, Crawford) 46, 65
Borga Base, T, G, E 28, 29, 45
British Antarctic Survey (BAS)
Dan ships, ref. 36
South Georgia 11, 12, 94
British Antarctic Territory
Adelaide Island, annotation 1976 63
Argentine Islands, Base ‘F’ 11, 14, 41, 44
Deception Island, Base 'B' 36
"Endurance", HMS, at, 49, 50, 70, 71
Faraday, Base 'F' 39, 70, 73, 96
Halley Bay, Base 'Z' 34, 36, 39, 96
New Issues
Antarctic Treaty, 20th Anniv. 72, 96
Gondwanaland 72, 84, 96
Postage Rates, 1981 40, 96
Post Markers, new handstamps 1981/82 96
R, G. S. 150th Anniv.
First Day Cancel 62, 72, 80
Rothera Point, Base 'R' 62, 72, 80, 96
Royal Geographical Society
issue, 1980 39, 70, 73, 80
Signy Island, Base 'H' 11, 14, 36, 40, 43,
70, 73, 94, 96
Brown, Trevor 80
Bullock, Gerry 21, 93
Burton, Charles, T.G.E. 28
Polar Post Index 1981 (Volume 13) Page 2
Arctic Postmarks 31-34
Joint Services Expd, Ellesmere Is, 1980 90, 95
North West Territories & Post Offices 31-34
'Some Arctic Covers' 31, 32, 33, 34
Carse, Duncan 11, 12, 24
Cartwright, Benjamin C., whaler 80
Charcot Expd. 1908/1910, ref, 7
Chatham Naval dockyard 49, 50
Chesterton, Geoff, 49, 50, 85
Gen. Bernado O'Higgins
Base cover, 1981 71, 73
Circular Date Cancellations of
TAAF, from 1955 56-58, 61, 62
Clifton, Louis, Port Stanley PO. 96
Cove, Phil. 31
Crabb, George 51, 55, 86
Crawford, Allan B. 13, 15, 46, 51, 55,
63, 64, 71, 74
Cruising around the Antarctic 38
Day of the Week, to calculate 7
Deception Island, South Shetlands,
at auction 8
Dan ships, some comments 36-38
Greenland ref. 25, 26, 76, 81, 82
De Violini, Barbara. (Obit.) 80
Discovery Row Antarctic Expd, postmark 70, 73
Earthquake, Heimay Greenland, ref. 95
Ellesmere Island, (Alert) 31, 32, 88, 90, 95
Evans, H. E. J., PPHSGB 25, 51
Faeringhavnen Post Office, Greenland 25, 26
Falkland Islands
"Linblad Explorer"cover 11, 14
New issue programme, 1981 39
Port Stanley Post Office 38, 96
Postage Rates, 1981 40
Falkland Islands Dependencies
Air Letter, at auction 9
BAS postcard 94
Indigenous Plants issue, 1981 94
"John Biscoe", RRS, cachet 1980 34
New definitives, 1980 11, 12
Postage Rates 1981 40, 96
Royal Wedding issue 1981 39
Falkland Is, Philatelic Study Group 51
Faulds, Michael D, 86
Fiennes, Sir Ranulph 28, 29, 69, 88
Filchner Ice Shelf 28
Forbes, Capt., David, RN (Retd.) 85
'For the Postal Historian' 7
French Southern & Antarctic Territories,
Alfred Faure Base 58, 62, 71, 74
Archipel Crozet, cds, 1962 - present 58, 61, 62
Archipel Kerguelen, cds, 1955 - present 57, 58, 61
at Auction 8, 9
Circular Date Cancellations of TAAF
from 1955 56-58,61-62
Dumont D'Urville Base 58, 62, 79
French Southern & Antarctic Territories, - TAAF cont'd
Flamme Postmarks & Strikes 57, 58, 61, 62, 78
Issues, numbers printed & sold to date 30, 31, 78
Martin De Vivies Base 57, 61
New issues, 1981/82 78
OP. 80/4, ref. 71, 74
Port Aux Francais 58, 61
Postal Rates, 1982 78
Postmarks, circa 1950 20, 46, 57, 58,
65, 66
"Some Reflections on French
Antarctic prices" 29-31
"St. Marcouf" & M. S. "Norsel" 69, 79
St. Paul & Amsterdam Islands,
cds, 1955 - present 57, 61
Subscription covers, circa 1950 65, 66
TAAF stamps on sale 1981 69
Terre Adelie, cds 1956 - present 58, 62, 79
"Thala Dan" MV at Terre
Adelie, cover dates 37, 38, 41, 44
Fryer, Jim 55
Garbutt, G. R. 21, 23, 28, 29
Germany (West)
German Antarctic Expd, 1980/81 28
Graf Zeppelin Polar Flights, 50th Anniv. 41, 45
Polar Exploration, comm. cover 94
Polarinfo 42
Gondwanaland 83, 96
Great Britain, 1972 Explorers, issue 94
Cape Tobin, last day of P.O. 13, 16, 17
Christmas 1980 cover 96
Commission of Scientific
Researches, issue 1978 13
Cover Offers 13, 16, 42, 45, 72,
74, 95, 96
"Danmark Befriet" overprints, 1945 81
Einar Mikkelsen, centenary issue 13, 16, 17
"Eric the Red" Expd. 1980 13, 16
Faeringerhavnen Post Office 25, 26
First Day Postmarks 1938 - 1968 81-83
Godthaab 25, 42, 45, 68,
81, 96
Godthaab, 250th Anniv,
Founding of, cover 96
Greenland Postmarks since 1938, ref, 25, 81, 83
Heimaey Earthquake, 1973 issue 95
Helicopter flights, 1973-1975 13, 16, 42, 45
Holsteinborg P. O. 81
Home Rule issue, 1979 72
Italian Expd, West Greenland 1978 42, 45
Ivigtut Post Office 18, 19, 25
Julianhaab 17, 18, 25, 72, 74,
Kangamiut 25, 26
Kangatsiaq, new postmark 68
"Kununguak" m.s., last day of P. O. 96
Kutdligssat P, O, 1938 81, 82
Library Stamp, FDC. 1980 42
Narsarssuak 18
New issues 1981 68, 72
Postage Rates 1980, 1981 17, 29
Postal events 1980 17
Polar Post Index 1981 (Volume 13) Page 3
Greenland contd.
Postmarks 1980/81 17, 68
RAF Flights 1971, ref. 46
Royal Greenland Trade Dept. 18, 19, 72
Scoresbysund Post Office 76, 77
Sdr. Stromfjord 17, 42, 45, 81, 82,
83, 96
Ship Post Offices close, 1981 68, 72, 96
Sukkertoppen, ref. 25
Traffic issues 42, 45, 72
Voyage of the Sea Breeze, 1970 72
Watkins Mountains Expd., 1969 76,77
W, I, P. A, postmark, Copenhagen 68
Heitler, Erwin 50, 52, 54
Helbig, R. 20
"Help" column 46, 69
Hirasawa, Dr. Takeo 83
Hobbs, John L. 38
Hoshiai, Dr. Takao (JARE) 83
Howat, Rev. Jeremy 35
Hunt, Charles 55
Italian Alpine Club 42
Italian Expd. West Greenland 1978 42, 45
Polar Geographic Institute 42
Ivigtut P. O. Greenland 18, 19, 25
Jagger, Eugene 24, 36-38
Antarctic 10 yen issue, 1965 71, 75
Antarctic Research 20th
Anniv. cover, 1956/77 92, 95
Antarctic Research 20th Anniv. cachets 92, 95
"Fuji", icebreaker itinerary 66
Japanese Antarctic Expd. 1935 2-4
Japanese Antarctic Research
Expd's, 22 & 23 2, 3, 62, 66-68
Japanese Iron Ipe
(Nippon Kookam) Co. Ltd. 3
Japanese Polar Philatelic Club, JPPC, 3, 67
JARE 1-22, personnel list & projects 66, 67, 83
Krill fishing covers, 1981 41, 44, 71, 74
New Icebreaker report "Shirase" 3, 67
Notes 67, 68, 83
Syowa Base 3, 62, 68, 83, 92,
"Soya", icebreaker, 1936-1979 67
Whaling covers, 1975, 1976 41, 44, 89, 94
Jersey, C. L 40, 43
Joint Services Expd, Ellesmere Is, 1980 90, 95
Joint Services Expd, South Georgia
1981/82 85
Kawaguchi, Dr. Sa.dao 83
Kinoshita, Capt, K, 41, 44
Kobayashi, Capt. 3
Koesling, Max. 42
Krill fishing, "Aso Maru" cover 1981 41, 44
"Yoshino Maru" cover 1981 71, 74
Kusunok, Dr. Ko (JARE) 83
Last, Barbara 51
Lealman, Herbert 21
Lehmann, Rene 46
Leppard, R. J. B, 21, 23
Lewin, Sir Terence, Adm, of the Fleet 85
Lewis, S/Lt. 49, 50
Lloyd, C/Tech, Tom, RAF 84, 85
Magazines & Periodicals
Blackwoods Magazine 25
Bulletin - Postal History Society 18
Express Newspapers Ltd. 76
Geographical Magazine, The 25
Ice Cap News, ASPP. 65, 66, 80
National Geographic Magazine 76
Navy News 72
New Scientist 28
Observer, newspaper 29
Philatelic Magazine 29
Polarinfo, 42
Polar Post, PPHSGB. 31
Polar Record 32
Skanpolar, Norway 13
Stamp Collecting 65, 86
Stamp Magazine 11, 12, 25
Sydney Herald, circa 1935 3
Mallia, Ray 3, 4, 51, 55, 56
Marion Island 1
Massey, A. J, P. 18, 19, 25, 72, 76,
Mathis, David 28, 66
McCombie, Leslie, designer 94
More, Zoltan 69, 93
"Mother of Antarctica" 84
Mountfield, David 76
Murakosi, Dr. Noxomu, (JARE) 83
Murayama, Massayoshi, (JARE) 83
Muto, Dr. Akira, (JARE) 83
Nichiboro, Dr. Elizaburo, (JARE) 83
New Zealand
Auckland Is. at auction 8
Campbell Is. stamp query 86
King Edward VII Land at auction 7, 8
Ross Dep, aerogramme 95
Scott Base, 20th Anniv,
special cancellation 13
Trans Globe Expd., at 28, 29
Northwest Territory, Canada 31-34
Antarctic items at auction 9
Arctic Radio Expds. 1981 86
Oguchl, Dr. Takashi, (JARE) 83
Oma, Capt. Y. 2, 3
"One Man Expedition to South Georgia" 24
Osawa, Tsutomu 3, 83
Pedersen, Capt. V. 37
Philipsen, Holger, designer 42
Arctowski Station 38, 91, 95
"Lindblad Explorer" m. s. 91
"World Discoverer" MV 38
Polar Post Index 1981 (Volume 13) Page 4
Polar Postal History Society, G, B.
Accounts, Sect'ys Report 1980 22
Auction accounts No, 20 47
Auctions, PPHSGB. 23, 46, 47, 48, 86
Cover offers 10-17, 40-45,
70-75, 94-96
Exchange Packet, Sect'ys Report 1980 23, 51
Offers from members 69
Polar Post artwork 93
Secretary's Report, 1980 21, 51
Spring Meeting Report 51, 55
Updating Postal markings at
BAT bases, ref. 42
QSL Cards, Australian Ant. Territory 50, 52-54
Recommendations, (the Stamp Market) 65
'Recovered 1976' 63
Reeves, Ch. Elect. Steve, RN. 85
Romania 69
Rosing, Jens, stamp designer 13, 72, 96
Ross Dependency
Aerogramme, 140th Anniv.
Mt. Erebus 95
Ice Cube 14, 1978 71, 75
New definitives, Jan, 1982 93
Scott Base 2, 4, 13, 28, 29,
Unusual cachet (?) at 86, 91
Royal Geographical Society Issues 39, 40, 62, 70, 72,
80, 96
Afterglow, HMCS, ref. 9
S. A. Agulhas, MV 41, 44, 95
Almerante Irizar ARA, icebreaker 35
Anita Dan MS. 12, 49
Arktika, USSR, icebreaker 46, 56, 60, 93
Aso Maru 41, 44
Atlantic Isle, MV 41, 80, 92
Aurora s.y. 7
Bahia Aguirre ARA, transport 35
Benjamin Bowring, MV 2, 4, 28, 29, 86,
Borochabetz, cargo ship 67
Bransfield, RRS 11, 12, 14, 36, 39,
40, 43, 49
Captain Voronin, icebreaker 2, 3
Caronia, RMS 80
C. D. Howe, CCGS 55
Chili, whaler 80
Chiryo Maru, icebreaker 67
Chiyo Maru, whaling ship 41, 44
Clan McMillan, at Tristan 55
Deutschland, ref, 9
Discovery, SY 7, 9, 40, 43, 70,
Discovery II 55
Disko, MS 68, 72
Endurance, 1914/16, ITAE 12
Endurance, HMS 12, 49, 50, 70, 71,
72, 73, 85
Fuji, icebreaker 2, 3, 66, 71, 74,
Gallieni, MS 79
Ships Continued
General San Martin ARA, icebreaker 35
Gustav Holm 13
Henry, whaler 80
Hero, RV 41
James Caird, circa 1914/16 12
John Biscoe, RRS 12, 34, 41, 49, 71
John R, Gordon, liberty ship 79
John A, McDonald, CM 55
Kapitan Melechov 55
Kiev, icebreaker 4, 5
Kista Dan, MV ref, 28, 36
Kununguak, MS 68, 96
Kyokuyo Maru No. 3, whaling ship 94
Labuan, HMAS 6, 18
Lenin, icebreaker 4, 56, 60, 69
Lindblad Explorer MS 10, 11, 14, 40, 41,
43, 89, 91, 94, 95
Louise, coaling hulk at S.G. 12
Magga Dan, MS 79
Martin Karlsen, MV 36
Mikhail Kutuzov 4, 5
Mischief, ref, 25
Moskva 55
Navire, at Tristan 80
Nella Dan, MS 36, 37
Nimrod, SY 9
Nisshin Maru No. 3, whaling ship 94
Norsel MS 79
Owen, HMS 24, 55
Perla Dan, MS 36
Pogoria, Polish training ship 69
Protector, HMS 55
Pavel Ponomaryev, MS 56
Resolution, HMS 10, 11
Sea Breeze, yacht 25, 26, 72
Shackleton, RRS 49
Shirase, icebreaker 67
Sibir, nuclear icebreaker 56, 59, 69, 75, 93
Søkongen, schooner 72
Southwind, USCGC 50, 54
Soya, icebreaker 67
St. Marcouf, TAAF 79
Terra Nova, SY 7
Thala Dan, MS 37, 38, 39, 79
Tonan Maru, circa 1935 2, 3
Tristania II mfv. 95
Vagabond 2, yacht 13
World Discoverer MV 38
Yarmouth, HMS 80
Yoshino Maru 71, 74
Saito, Capt. Masahito 41, 44
Schiller, Michael 63
Scoresbysund Post Office, Greenland 76, 77
Scott Base
Aerogramme, Mt. Erebus discovery 95
"Benjamin Bowring" m. s. cachet 2, 4
Cover offers 41, 43, 71, 75
Unusual cachet ( ? ) 86, 91
"World Discoverer" MV at 38
Scott, Capt, R. F. items at auction 7, 9
Scottish Antarctic Exp'd, at auction 9
Shackleton, Sir Ernest, ref. 49
Shackleton Rowett Expd. at auction 7-9
Sheldon, E. B. (BAS) 63
Polar Post Index 1981 (Volume 13) Page 5
Shepard, Oliver, (TGE) 28
Societe Francais de Philatelic Polaire 13
'Some Canadian Arctic Covers' 31-34
'Some Comments on the Dan Ships' 36-38
'Some Events in the USSR' 56
'Some Reflections on French
Antarctic Prices' 29-31
Sondhelm, Sonia 17, 68, 81-83
Sondhelm, Walter 42, 68
South Africa
Cape Town paquebot 29, 95
Marion Island 1, 13, 16
Prince Edward Island 95
S.A.N.A.E. 28, 29, 41, 44, 45,
Trans Globe Expd, 1980 ref, 28 45, 88
South Georgia
at Auction 8, 9
"Endurance". HMS, sea
towing 'John Biscoe' 71
Joint Services Expd, to 1981/82 85
New definitives 1980, (FID) 11, 12, 42
New Issues
Insects, 1982 96
Reindeer, 1981 96
'Notes' 42, 68
One Man Expd. 1961 24
Postcards, circa 1909/10 68
Postmarks used, ref, 42
Straight line handstamp, circa 1909 68
South West Africa, Whale issue, 1980 13, 15
Spender, David 69
Spitsbergen, ref, 86
Styles, Dudley 7-9, 51
Suglyama. Y. 2, 3, 66-68
Sweden, Gallivare 13, 15
Tilman, Major H. W. 25, 26
Thermal underwear (Damart) 86
Torii, Dr. Tetsuya, (JARE) 83
Trans Globe Expedition
"Benjamin Bowring" m, v, cachet 2, 4, 86, 88
Covers from, (with dates) 2, 29, 45, 88
Reports to date, 1981 28, 29, 69, 88
Tristan da Cunha
Airletters, 1952 86, 87
at Auction 8
Design mistake 14p issue, 1981 63
Display at PPHS Spring meeting 55
'Edinburgh of the Seven Seas',
Post Cards 95
Island chart, circa 1767 63, 64
London 1980 Exhibition post cards 41, 44
R.G.S. 150th Anniv. issue 1980 71,74
Ship covers, 1981 80, 92
Sir Rowland Hill, m. s. 1979 13, 15
"Tristan da Cunha and the
Roaring Forties" 65
"Tristan Notes" 80
Turner, Dr. G. 29-31, 32-34,
49, 50, 56-58, 61,
62, 69, 78, 79, 85
Twistleton-Fiennes, Sir Ranulph 28, 29, 69, 88
Underwear, Damaet Thermal ref. 86
United States of America
Palmer Station, 'Lindblad Explorer' 41
Post Offices in Greenland 18, 19
Postal Rates & information, 1981 4, 28, 65, 66
Siple Station, to close 66
Zipcodes 28, 65
25th Anniv. Antarctic Exploration
/Archangel 56, 59
All Union Philatelic Soc. 4, 56
Far Eastern Shipping Co. 4
Flight cover, Moscow/Antarctica 46, 88, 92
Helicopter cachets 69, 75
'Movements in Muilmansk' 4, 5, 56
Murmansk Shipping Co, 4, 5
Murmansk Trawler Fleet 4, 5
Festival of the North 4
Fisherman’s Day 4
Letter Week 4
"Sibir'", special cachet 56, 59, 69, 75, 93
'Some Events in the USSR' 56, 93
"Yamal", 5th Anniv. operations 56, 60, 93
Zapolyary - 81, Murmansk 56, 59
Veal, Lt. R. E., RN., 85
Vogel, Dr. Hal 4, 65, 66
War Cover Club 18
Watkins Mountains Expd. 1969 76, 77
Wegener, Alfred 84
Conservation issue, SWA 1980 13, 15
Covers, 1975/76 41, 44, 89, 94
Japan, circa 1935 2-4
Whalers Call at Tristan, ref. 80
William Scoresby 76
Wharton, Margery 51
"When North is South or Vice Versa" 63, 64
Wowern, Eric von 25, 76, 81
Zapolyary - 81 56, 59
Zeppelin Polar Flight 1931, 50th Anniv. 41,

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